What Did Freud Say About Hitler When He Was Just A Child?

What did Freud say about Hitler when he was just a child?

The figure of Adolf Hitler, a man who is remembered for being one of the greatest genocidaires in history, has been associated, on countless occasions, with various mental disorders. In fact, as early as 1942,  the British Intelligence service analyzed a speech that the Nazi leader had delivered that same year, where clear symptoms of hysteria, epilepsy and even paranoia could be observed. But what many do not know is that Hitler from his childhood, showed symptoms of mental imbalance. Faced with this situation, the family doctor of his family, Eduard Bloch, consulted the famous Viennese doctor Sigmund Freud. Do you want to know what Freud said about Hitler when he was just a child? In this article we reveal it to you.

According to studies carried out by the authors Laurence Marks and John Forrester, dedicated to studying the life and works of Freud, in 1895 the creator of psychoanalysis suggested that little Adolf be admitted to a mental health institution for children . But, unfortunately, such a recommendation was not implemented.

What did Freud say about Hitler when he was just a child?

At the age of six, Adolf Hitler suffered from very intense nightmares where he saw himself falling into deep abysses or suffered persecution where he was captured and whipped to the point of wishing for death. These episodes (and many more, psychological in nature) convinced Dr. Bloch that the boy needed the help of a specialist. Which made him turn to Sigmund Freud, who as the father of psychoanalysis had a successful consultation where both the upper class and the middle class of the time attended.

Sigmun Freud

Dr. Bloch consulted Freud on the case of Adolf Hitler on several occasions. After studying and analyzing the diagnosis, he recommended that little Adolf be admitted to a children’s mental health center, so that he could be treated properly. His mother, Klara, totally agreed. However, Adolf was not hospitalized and did not receive any type of treatment. Well, Alois Hitler, his father, did not allow it. This was a very uncompromising man who wanted his son to continue his career as a customs officer.

Hitler’s father subjected him to daily mistreatment and humiliation, which is why Adolf even tried to escape from the house several times during his childhood. According to the investigators, in order to prevent his abuse from being discovered, Alois always prevented the admission and subsequent treatment of his son.

Some time later, at the age of 18, when he was rejected to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts, Adolf suffered terribly strong nervous breakdowns . So his psychological discomfort increased even more.

The author of the final solution saved a Jew

In 1938, when Nazism was at its peak and Germany annexed Austria with the Anschluss, Austrian Jews began to be repressed by the Gestapo. But there was a doctor of Jewish origin who wrote to Hitler directly asking for protection ; and it was the Führer himself who ordered Martin Bohrmann to protect him.

Adolf hitler

The graceful individual was Dr. Eduard Bloch himself, who was not bothered at any time while he obtained the safe-conduct that would allow him and his wife to travel to the United States.

Faced with such a story, it is inevitable to wonder what would have happened if Hitler’s father had agreed to intern his son. What would have happened if the then suffering child had received the appropriate psychological treatment? It is almost compelling to think that, most likely, world history would have changed and the Holocaust would never have occurred. However, these are only assumptions. We will never know.

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