What Are The Consequences Of Romances On The Internet

Have you ever fallen in love online? Have you met someone special on the net? Although it is something possible and real, it is not always that satisfactory and certain precautions must be taken to save ourselves frustration.
What consequences do internet romances bring?

As a result of the advancement of new technologies and the creation of other means of communication, new forms of relationships have emerged, one of them is friendship or dating on the Internet. An increasingly common type of relationship, especially between younger people.

But although they tend to spread and have ceased to be seen as something strange, the truth is that this type of relationship can bring us many satisfactions, but also many psychological problems that can mark our lives forever. According to specialists, cyber love affairs  can cause us a certain addiction and anchor our feelings in that person whom we have not even touched.

When someone falls in love in this way , a series of expectations are created that, if not met, can end in frustrating disappointments. The person does not materialize this relationship with the other. That is, after a long time everything can remain a romance on the network and end in a great disappointment.

Distant loves on the Internet

Man with internet romance using mobile

Numerous relationships have emerged between Internet users, even from different countries or from different cultures, which have certainly managed to become real and stop being a simple network relationship.

When a contact is established with a person in the network, when an affective bond is created, many aspects will be at stake, not only in regard to feelings, but also other human values, which are the basis of any relationship. These factors are usually trust, honesty, sincerity.

Having a long-distance relationship may imply  not knowing the person in full, which can be a relationship with false bases and deception. It is possible that what is seen and heard is not reality and that person is not even remotely as we believe or make us believe.

In the links created on the Internet it is more difficult to detect deception, lies, falsehood. And in the end, perhaps over time, that person whom we considered our love and with whom there were also plans for the future can end up being a huge disappointment.

Disappointment in real life

Woman victim of an internet romance

The knowledge of the personality of our love in the network is a very important factor,  and should never be overlooked in a cyber relationship. After a long time where people already consider themselves in love with each other, the final stage of the bond arrives, which is the most important and decisive.

While many relationships started online can be very successful and have a happy ending, and many of them even lead to marriage and a family, it  does not have to have a happy ending. It may happen that the person with whom we were deeply in love was not the person that our thoughts had created, that we had idealized. It can happen that we are very disappointed when we go one step further.

If it is time to make the leap in the relationship, to make it go from being a cybernetic relationship and at a distance to a real relationship, you have to be forewarned. Digital relationships are not the same as real ones.

Activate the firewall

Starting a relationship online is not impossible, but it is not an easy task. Basically, you have to be aware of what you are dealing with. What are the possible risks and what are the benefits. But above all, go cautiously and calmly. If that love is real, there should be no rush.

You have to try to meet in person as soon as possible, so you can get to know the other better. His gestures, his way of reacting, he cannot measure words so much… Also, after that important step, you will have a little more certainty that all the steps you take are about something more or less certain.

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