We Enjoy Little Of What We Have And We Value Very Much What We Lack

We enjoy little of what we have and we highly value what we lack

One of our biggest problems is that we enjoy little of what we have and we value very much what we lack. Missing what we will later miss is a common and unrealistic way of thinking about certain people and situations. Although our goals are born from what we lack, it is a mistake to create needs for something that we really do not need.

Sometimes, we make the mistake of calling almost everything we do not have a necessity and an obligation to what we could really enjoy , such as people, feelings or situations. Thus, we miss out on many real occasions because we prefer fantasizing to experiencing reality, possibly because the former is often easier than the latter.

In general, we enjoy little of what we have; and this is usually a pattern that some, unfortunately, experience most of the time. Some experts in the field even speak of the syndrome of the missing piece to refer to that  constant fixation for that reason that we do not have, sometimes even bordering on obsession.

Sad woman thinking about how to overcome the past

Let’s stop idealizing and live for real

It is a reasonable and logical thing to reach a goal and think about the next. However, the problem comes when, at the same time, we enjoy little of what we have. That is the key: the present moment, whether we like it or not, is the only thing we have  and it is the key to living fully.

Nonconformity is an inherent tendency in the human being, but it does not have to make life bitter for you. On the other hand, motivation is vital and to some extent it is instinctive. Now, this does not have to be negative, but if we combine the idealization of what we do not have with chronic nonconformity, we can fall into a well of dissatisfaction,  creating ourselves a parallel reality.

Idealization tends to play tricks on us. We long for or want something because we believe that we will be better off if we get it; and in reality, we cannot know with certainty what a situation will be like until we live it. Idealizing is giving a value blindly, which normally does not correspond to the real one afterwards. Being aware of all this is the first step to enjoy our day to day.

We must become aware of what we have, what we are and enjoy what life offers us. We have to be careful what we seek and wish for. There are no perfect situations, only the ones we ride in our heads. And that’s where the idealization comes into play about what we don’t have, what others have and everything that we lack.

Hell is paved with bad attentions

We enjoy little of what we have because we don’t really pay attention. Knowing what to pay attention to is the first step to assessing it. Paying attention to the right things opens a window to well-being because those who know how to enjoy the little or much that surrounds them, has learned the true essence of life.

Valuing and appreciating what we have is essential to cover both our needs and those of those around us.

Hand touching a sun at sunset

Next, we leave you an old story that teaches us the reason why many times we live focused on superficial pleasures that we cannot achieve, while we lose everything positive in our existence.

β€œIn an English castle there was a rule that visitors did not have to pay admission to visit it, and that attracted most of the tourists who came to that place. Once inside the castle there was only one condition not to pay the visit: this had to be done with a spoon in the mouth full of sand, and if not a gram fell during the tour, it would finally be free. All the enthusiastic visitors accepted the challenge, and toured the castle excited about being able to reach the end without losing an ounce of the contents of the spoon.

As a result, most of the visitors did not pay material entrance, but paid a much higher price: not having been able to appreciate anything inside the castle. None of the visitors who arrived with the bucket full of sand had seen the interior of the fortress, its valuable paintings, its architecture, because they had only been looking at his spoon so as not to spill the sand ”.

So, don’t be like those visitors. Take your eyes off what you think you are missing, and start enjoying what you already have today .

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