To Be Great You Have To Be Next To The People, Not Above

To be great you have to be next to the people, not on top

Being next to people and reaching out when others need it is what really helps us to grow and be better. We are the people who manage our own goodness and we can smile at the world in the most beautiful way possible. In this sense, being good is essential to being great.

The people with whom we interact are fighting battles that we know nothing about, so always, even if it is not easy, we must be kind. As strange as it may seem, many times the small details make the difference.

We are not going to deny it, there are people who due to their defects, complexes or projections, make it difficult for others and enjoy trampling and watching those who are next to them fall. That can make someone feel an equivocal sense of superiority.

We emphasize the term “equivocal” because it is not real, although it may seem that sometimes they are somewhat over the top. But no. That feeling is unreal because there is nothing lower than deliberately hurting or making your life difficult for others.

Girls looking at each other in a green environment

Be nice to everyone, you never know what who is next to you is going through

We cannot know what is going on who is on the other side of any conversation and interaction. Whatever their struggles, we cannot enter into assessing their difficulty or their importance.

The difficulties of others, their struggles, will be a priority for each one and, therefore, the most important thing when guiding their life. If we behave badly, if we judge, if we refer to them with ugly words, then we will be tripping those who want to accompany us.

That is why it is so important to be kind, because the rest of the day (in the best of cases) can depend on a “good morning” on the person we come across. This is essential and handling these referrals is truly the best reward.

girl with butterflies on her face

Good people are made of unforgettable steel

We have discussed it many times, good people are made of unforgettable steel. Good deeds and outstretched hands are the best investment, as they bring with them good feelings, good experiences, and good consequences.

Collecting motives, being the sun on dark days, not behaving in an arrogant or paternal way and practicing patience are attitudes that frame freedom and enjoyment in collaboration with others.

Likewise, it is very positive to offer a margin of error to everyone, even those who at some point have not wronged and have made us feel bad. As we have said, each one frees difficulties that significantly condition their behavior and on many occasions they do so in a subtle and silent way.

Because, in case it has not been clear yet, greatness has nothing to do with superiority and after all what makes sense is to offer others the possibility of being better, of strengthening themselves and of evolving emotionally.


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