The Sun Always Shines After The Storm

The sun always shines after the storm

No matter how hackneyed and cliché it may sound, the sun always shines against a blue, wonderful and radiant sky. It doesn’t matter how strong the storm was, the number of lightning strikes that struck the ground, or the amount of water it left behind. Then the light comes again to illuminate the darkness.

In the same way that we say that the sun always shines after a storm, we can refer to the famous light at the end of the tunnel. Do not worry if at this moment everything in your life is darkness, and you are not able to see anything but darkness everywhere. Never despair, and never stop. Look ahead, do not lose heart or slow down your steady walk, because finally, with a good step, the path becomes illuminated again.

Sun clouds

The stormy sun

Plus, the stormy sun offers one of the most wonderful lights out there. Once the darkness, the rain and the darkness that the clouds dropped from the sky has passed, the earth smells of humidity, the heat stings on your shoulders, and you look happily towards the horizon, because you have survived the bad weather, and now you enjoy a splendid day.

There is no storm that lasts a hundred years. But it is true that after each one that we survive, we are much stronger, calmer and braver. We have faced the eye of the hurricane and we have overcome it, coming out of the trance more tenacious, wise and educated.

Never be afraid of the storm, because you have to know that always, after bad weather, the sun comes to illuminate your path. That wonderful moment of light and calm that is enjoyed much more after a bad drink overcame.

Storm fears

Many people live in constant fear of the storm. They think that in their life, everything is going to be rain, bad weather, lightning, thunder and darkness. But it never had to be this way. Nature is wise, and is capable of giving us a little of everything.

The human being is one more child of nature, of this mother earth of ours that has seen us born, grow and learn. Why should we be different? Why should we let the storm be the main manifestation of our life? Why suffer an eternal rain of unhappiness and pain?

Boat sailing

If nature itself is capable of finding the balance between water and sun, we must not be different in this, as its product that we are. We only need the necessary tools to survive the storm, and take advantage of the overcome trance to emerge gracefully, wiser and stronger, and know how to enjoy the wonderful sun that comes after bad weather.

Tools to weather a storm

Have you ever thought about the tools needed to survive a storm? Actually, it is not that difficult to find them. However, on too many occasions we decide to complicate ourselves, and in that way, it is impossible to overcome the rain without getting wet.

An umbrella is absolutely necessary in a storm. Although it can sometimes be excessively powerful, it will always protect us within its possibilities from the water that falls incessantly and tries to wet every pore of our skin.

A roof to shelter under is the best option to weather a storm. Keep in mind that the stronger the foundation of your home, the lower the chance that your house will collapse in the face of the fierce stormy fury. Avoid dampness, leaks and poor manufacturing.

An iron will is also vitally important in the jaws of storms. A huge desire to live, to overcome it and not to let the water wash away and clean more than what you really want and need to disappear.

Think who is your umbrella in life. Who are part of your home. Where is your will to overcome the storm and see again the sun that warms the humid earth after the lightning and thunder. And now, go and hug them for being there, always by your side, protecting you in the bad times so that you can live the good times and enjoy the light.

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