The Power Of Purpose To Give Meaning To Our Lives

A purpose is not just a goal. It is an internal force that gives light and meaning to our existence, it is the energy that makes us wake up every morning reminding ourselves of what we want and what is worth fighting for.
The power of purpose to give meaning to our lives

The purposes are the beacons on our vital horizon. They rise up like that light that illuminates each step, reminding us where we want to go, inspiring us each morning and giving us that motivation that we need so much on days of discouragement.

Now, why is it so decisive that human beings have purposes? Having them is a critical ingredient for mental well-being. Thanks to them, we find meaning in what we are, in what we expect of ourselves … Because whoever yearns or dreams of something finds the necessary will to get up, to put one foot in front of the other and move forward with energy, desire and hope.

After all, this is what Victor Frankl taught us in his famous book Man’s Search for Meaning . He himself was able to survive in the concentration camps despite having lost all the people he loved. In the midst of this adversity, the fact of continuing to maintain very specific values ​​and life goals allowed him to inspire and help others.

Purposes grant us harmony and psychological strength. Defining them, giving them light and placing them in our mind on a day-to-day basis will be of great help. So let’s see how to create them, how to look for them and internalize them.

Man thinking of purposes

The purposes, how to clarify them?

It seems like a no-brainer … how could someone not know what their purposes are? As striking as it may seem, there are many people who do not have them. In this way, there are those who describe their life as a mere succession of days where only obligations rule, where one falls into a routine and simply lets go.

What is perceived almost constantly in the midst of this existential context is that “the voids weigh too much because there is something wrong, something that is absent.” Under these circumstances and, as the poet, scientist Goethe said, a life without purpose is almost perceived as premature death.

On the other hand, when this happens, when a person perceives that they do not find meaning or purpose in their life, it is very easy to fall into depression or an anxiety disorder. In fact, something that is often seen in psychological therapy is that many patients feel this way right after they have lost their job or have broken their emotional relationship.

When we face changes or transitions it is necessary to reformulate our vital purposes. Thanks to them, we obtain a lifeline to continue sailing, as well as that internal energy to awaken new motivations and hopes. So let’s see how to clarify them, how to empower them.

Woman with cloud in hands symbolizing the power of purpose

The power of purpose goes hand in hand with our values

Purposes are not just arbitrary goals that you set for yourself. They are not causal or capricious goals but are fully rooted in our values. Thus, whoever values ​​independence, freedom, adventure, the gift of experiencing new things, it is very possible that he does not have the same purposes as those who value family, stability or roots.

Therefore, the first thing we must do is clarify what our values ​​are and for this it is worth remembering what they are and what they imply:

  • A value defines our identity, both social and personal.
  • They refer to qualities that generally have to do with us.
  • They are associated with norms, behaviors, a moral system and also with our beliefs.
  • It is also necessary to remember that our values ​​can change. In fact, it is normal for them to do so (it is not the same to be 15, than 3 or 60 years old, the values ​​also vary and are in harmony with our needs and experiences).

Break the routine, search, explore and connect with what makes you feel good

Purposes are not always in our comfort zone. Routine is sometimes our worst enemy when it comes to creating a meaningful life and therefore we must dare to go a little further, to do new things that are in harmony with our passions.

  • If we like art, sports or any other dimension, let’s meet people with similar tastes. Connecting with other minds opens doors and helps us clarify new goals and purposes.
  • Likewise, it is also interesting to go beyond what we know or take for granted that we like. Sometimes the simple act of becoming “explorers” of experiences allows us to discover things that we knew ourselves. Realities that awaken us and give us new purposes.

How do I want to see myself tomorrow?

Another original and effective strategy to clarify or find the purposes that most define us today lies in a simple visualization exercise. It’s just about thinking about how we want to see ourselves in 5, 10 or 20 years. Would I like to be in another city, in another country? Do I see myself in a city or in a cabin in the woods? What do I do? Who do I have around me?

These questions will help us shed light on our life goals. Because the person we want to be tomorrow will surely be a little better than our current self, it will be someone self-realized, someone satisfied with what they are, what they have and what they have achieved.

So let’s work on that idea, on that personal goal. The purposes are not only that which one marks with the arrival of January 1. They are the engine that should make us vibrate and move forward 365 days a year.

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