The Power Of Intentions

The power of intentions


It must have happened to you that when you think of something you start to see that something everywhere. Maybe you were thinking of buying a phone, a car or some sneakers, you like a model and you think positively about it. You go out on the street and you see it everywhere you go. Which until then did not happen to you. Although for many it may be a simple coincidence, it is about your own intentions and your deepest longings.


What are the intentions?


Intentions are the starting point and most important of dreams. It is what gives you the creative power to meet your needs, helps you find new alternatives to get the money to live as you want, improve your relationships, love and find the faith you need in your life.

From the smallest action to the most relevant in your life, it will depend on your intentions . Intentions are born when your mind that connects with your environment. When you manage to be in tune with the universe and with your environment, everything that you desire or think strongly happens. Or somehow you get an answer on that topic. The important thing is that you realize it, that you know how to read and understand it the moment it is presented.


How to take advantage of the intentions?


You must be open to this experience . It is very beneficial for you. You will see how much power your intentions have and you will understand the reasons for positive thinking, just remember not to depend on it. You can harness the strength of your mind and achieve your goals. I advise you to think about these steps to positively focus your intentions:

Think carefully about what you want.

Focus clearly on what you are looking for and visualize your future as real as you can . It doesn’t have to be material, it can just be a change in routine. “I want us all to have breakfast together” or “I want to spend the weekends resting”, whatever you want, but something that makes you feel good and at ease.

Be as clear as possible

It works based on a concrete, brief and precise idea . You can write it down to remember it and keep it close to read it frequently. It can also be a photograph. You must think of possible things, since you can achieve what you want, but not work miracles. You are not going to be taller or shorter but you can have a better lifestyle that helps you lose weight.

Think positive

Whatever you want, try to ask for it positively . With respect to the previous examples ask for them that way. The wrong form is “I don’t want us to have breakfast any more apart” or “I don’t want to work on the weekend.” Try to ask positively and always use the present. Think that this is already happening to you. It is now when you want to see the result, not next year.

Think about what is already happening to you and enjoy it

Thank the universe that is sending it to you . You should see yourself doing the requested or using what you asked for. You have to materialize it in your mind. And always be grateful, think about it and thank him.

You have to be grateful and acknowledge when your wishes are fulfilled. Thank and appreciate the strength of your intentions. Use them positively and you will achieve many good things. Remember that the best way to show your appreciation is by helping someone else in a selfless but rational way.


Form a strong group with your friends or family


Surround yourself with positive people who are really happy about the good that happens to others . So everyone can share their intentions and think about them. The power will multiply and they will achieve very good results. It is also very healthy to have a group that shares and understands the path that you are traveling.

Try to just imagine the end of the movie. Don’t try to see how it will get to you. If there are any signs that you should notice. Remember that you should also create a plan to get realistically close to what you are looking for.

You can write more than one intention on your list. You can make a drawing or put a photo. Visualize it every morning and feel the happiness of getting the result. Then work on it actively. Life is going to return so much gratitude to you.

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