The Moving Story Of The Old Man And The Crane

The moving story of the old man and the crane

It is said that a long time ago a man with long white hair came to a distant village. The man was always accompanied by a crane. It was a strange pair, since those birds were not very affectionate to humans. However, the old man and the crane were always seen together everywhere.

The villagers commented that this man was extremely wise. They said that he was famous throughout the region for his great teachings. However, the old man was very humble. It was installed near a manger, along with the crane. It was always in front of him.

People began to get curious. They approached to look at him from afar, but he didn’t even see them. Only the crane remained expectant. Soon the inhabitants of the place began to bring him food and shelter, since they saw him very unprotected. The old man and the crane thanked those who helped them with a bow.

The old man and the crane are questioned

Once, late at night , a peasant approached the place where the old man and the crane were resting. The latter became a little alert when she saw it and flapped its wings to wake the old man, who was dozing. He bowed and then asked the visitor if he could be of any use to him.

Old man in japan

The peasant sat opposite the old man and confessed that he had a question. They had told him that he was a very wise man and he wanted to know if he could answer it. The old man replied, “No one is wise enough to answer everything, but if I can serve you, I will.”

The peasant told him that he wanted to know how to open the gates of heaven and how to open the gates of hell . He wanted to always have access to heaven, whereas he never wanted to go to hell. So he needed to know how their doors were opened, to avoid doing so. The old man and the crane were watching. When the peasant finished speaking, the old man said to him: “What a silly question! You can be seen to be a completely ignorant man! “

Hearing this, the peasant flew into a rage and wanted to hit the old man. The crane got in the way and stopped him. Then the peasant saw that the old man was blind and that the bird was his guide. He felt ashamed for wanting to attack him and his anger dissipated. He only felt compassion for that defenseless old man and asked for his forgiveness. The old man then told him: “Anger opened the door to hell for you. Compassion, that of heaven ”.

Knowing and not knowing …

The peasant was amazed. He verified that he was indeed a very wise teacher. He immediately thanked the teaching and then told the whole village what had happened. A long pilgrimage then began to where the old man and the crane were. Some wanted answers, while others were content just to gaze at him and be near him. He breathed a lot of peace.

image symbolizing the story of the old man and the crane

One afternoon a young man came to where the old man and the crane were. His attitude was mysterious. He approached and, in a low voice, said the following:

-Master, there are people who have been speaking of you with malevolence. ..

-One moment! Said the old man. Do you know what you come to tell me? Did you hear someone speak of me with malevolence?

The young man thought for a moment and said:

-No. I did not hear it personally. Someone told me … This is rumored in the village. ..

The old man and the crane stood still for a moment. He was thoughtful. And she, as always, was by his side, protecting him and alert. The beautiful bird was grateful to him because he had freed her from a trap in the forest. Since then, he had become his companion and guide, for the man was blind.

A great teaching

After pondering it for a while, the master turned to the young man who had come to tell him what was rumored in the village. He asked:

What you have come to tell me, does it generate good for me or for my crane friend?

bird symbolizing the tale of the old man and the crane

The young man was thinking again for a moment. Then he said:

-Not really. To be honest, it’s the opposite. What they told me they are saying about you is something that could haunt you. And maybe your friend too,she pointed out, referring to the crane.

The old man and the crane again stood still for a moment. Then the teacher pointed out:

-I have one last question for you. Do I need to know what is being said about me and my friend the crane?

-No. Not really –the young man answered thoughtfully.

“Then go,” said the old man. When you do not know if something is true, you do not do any good by saying it and there is no need to communicate it, it is not worth talking about it.

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