The Importance Of Making Decisions

Making decisions is not easy, of course. However, life does not allow mere passivity and inaction. Commitment to life involves deciding.
The importance of making decisions

Making decisions, good decisions, is very important in life. Imagine for a moment that you are hiking in the mountains and take a path that you think is the one that takes you back home. Everything is going well until part of the route forks to the right, and another to the left. Difficult decision, right? And even more unaware of what each route will bring us.

Perhaps the first one is a “bed of roses” where there are hardly any slopes or dangerous animals. However, on the other side, all kinds of threats and setbacks can await us . Or vice versa…

Also, there is the decision to camp, rest and get going the next day. However, it seems necessary to make a decision because sooner or later you will have to go home. And what do we want to get to with all this?

This example that we have just exposed is easily applicable to our lives, in which most of the alternatives in the decisions we make have a greater or lesser degree of uncertainty.  However, this is a situation that will serve to make us stronger.

The importance of making decisions

How important is it to us to make decisions ?

1. More self-esteem

Making a decision is not easy for anyone. There will be times when we are wrong and others when we are right. However, whatever decision we make, it will be a situation that will help us learn, reflect, and discover what our mistakes are. In this way, for the next time, it will be easier to make the right decision and we will realize that we are the ones who are in charge of our lives, and not the other way around.

2. We will get out of the routine and laziness

As we explained at the beginning, one can always make the decision to stay still and “do nothing”, but sooner or later it seems necessary to act. However, with this, the only thing that is achieved is to let ourselves be carried away by our life, where everything becomes comfortable and where we always decide what gives us immediate pleasure without thinking about its possible consequences.

Therefore, in the face of any adverse situation, it is always advisable to stop and think about all the good (or bad) that that decision can bring us. Think about this: not deciding is also a form of decision. A way based on inaction. And life does not admit inaction. There is an old proverb that says something like: ” repent of what you do and not what you stop doing .”

3. Life can bring us many surprises

No matter how old you are, making decisions is always an uncomfortable situation, since depending on what we choose, our life will be marked in one way or another. However, take this situation as something new, as a way to change that monotonous and predictable life. Who knows, maybe in the future that decision can change you personally as well as professionally. 

In short, a mature and committed life involves making decisions. It is clear that we will not always be right, but by acting we can win. If we do not act, we will have to settle for being run over by the events of life.

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