The Dangers Of A Weak Leader

The most common is that the weak leader reveals himself in moments of crisis. It is possible that he is charismatic or very skilled with communication, but the common thing is that in the face of problems he becomes defensive and leads his target to greater difficulties.
The dangers of a weak leader

Linking the concept of leadership with that of weakness seems incoherent, but it is not. Although positions of command, direction and control imply holding power, whoever is in front of them can be a weak leader. This not only creates a mark of incompetence, but it also often becomes dangerous.

There are many who come to a place or position of leadership because they have some specific ability or some particular privilege. This gives them the possibility of exercising power in some area, even at the cost of their personal frailties. The problem is that a weak leader causes difficulties for those under his command and often resort to clumsy methods when his power is at risk.

It is rare for a weak leader to be weak on all grounds. You may have great strengths in many respects, but you lack one of the most important: morale. This, in turn, leads to the lack or distortion of your judgment to lead others and so it is not uncommon for you to end up causing great damage.

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Weakness and strength

In matters of strength and weakness, it is common for the background to be confused with the form. It is usually believed that the one who shouts the loudest, hits the most or imposes the most is the strong one. However, this is a counter-evident idea: whoever is truly strong does not need to resort to all that to exercise power. Authoritarianism is one of the factors that reveals a weak leader.

Likewise, firmness is often confused  with intransigence. The latter is a trait that is usually present in someone with weak judgment. Their stubbornness reflects a lack of confidence in ideas and proposals. He feels that other positions threaten the validity of his approaches and stubbornness is a defense strategy and not a show of strength.

Another element that is often the subject of confusion is simplicity. A weak leader tends to use arguments that simplify reality. Their ideas are easy to grasp and assimilate, so they can be confused with solid arguments. However, they do not withstand a deeper analysis and that is where their fragility is reflected.

The weak leader: his traits

A person in a leadership position may appear strong, but there are traits that reveal their fragility. Among the most important we find the following:

  • It is unclear how he got to the leadership position. While it may be someone with obvious abilities or virtues, the process they followed to become a leader is unclear. Very often, it was appointed by another.
  • Make erratic decisions. In general, it only decides on minor aspects and does so with conservative criteria and methods. There is no innovation in its way of managing and it goes so far as to contradict itself.
  • He brags about his position or uses it for personal gain. He takes advantage of his position of power to obtain particular advantages.
  • It only communicates with a minimal environment. The weak leader tends to surround himself with the incompetent and sycophants. Avoid capable people, as they feel like a threat.
  • It becomes authoritarian in crises. It uses its power not to avoid crises, but to suffocate, cover up or suppress them. It does not manage, but seeks to block possible damage.
  • Lie and avoid. It is common for these types of leaders to resort to lies or manipulation of information so as not to accept their mistakes or make them look like they were successes. If he looks hemmed in, avoid explanations.
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The dangers of a weak leader

A weak leader not only stunts growth and advancement, but also becomes dangerous, especially in times of crisis. His attachment to the position of power or privilege that he holds leads him to exhibit his most authoritarian and unjust facet.

Likewise, these types of leaders tend to become an obstacle to reaching solutions. They are not open or valid interlocutors to negotiate differences or reach agreements. Their weakness leads them to believe that any concession takes away their power and therefore they avoid constructive dialogue.

For a weak leader the most important thing is his own interests. In fact, to a large extent that is where their weakness lies: they do not represent the group they lead, but themselves. For this reason, their decisions can go against what a group wants or needs.

The weak leader is dangerous because he does not have the vision, nor the capacity, nor the interest in seeing everyone come to fruition. For this reason, in unfortunate moments or difficult situations, they usually lead their clients to the edge of the abyss or into the abyss as such.

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