The Best Early Childhood Education Books For Parents

Educating is not an easy task. We do not come with a manual under our arm that tells us how to be parents, but in return there are children’s education books on the market that can help us in this exciting task.
Best Early Childhood Education Books for Parents

Our development is a continuous process that does not stop . However, if there are stages that have a special weight in this evolution, they are the first. In this sense, parents have a huge and valuable window of opportunity to promote the growth of the little ones and a good resource to achieve this is the children’s education books.

Early Childhood Education Books for Parents

If you want to get closer to the world of your little one and understand it better so that he has a full and balanced development, the following children’s education books can help you.

Sons younger , by Francisco Kovacs

We have started with this title because it defines itself as a guide to intelligent education. Therefore, it becomes an interesting book to enter the child’s mind and understand different role models.

Father talking to his daughter

Educate without fear of listening , by Yolanda Gómez Vara

It is the turn of a book that directs our attention to a topic as important as it is forgotten, active listening. We do not always listen to the little ones, and it is essential if we want to offer a comprehensive and personalized education.

Yolanda González Vara suggests a transformation of communication,  eliminating the existing divisions between school and family, so that father and mother, like other actors in the child’s intimate environment, become priority collaborators and real educators.

Happy children , by Alicia Bandera

Now, we focus on the book Happy Children , written by Alicia Bandera. This author writes from her experience. Your goal in sharing it through this channel is that other parents can use it.

It is a simple book to understand that can also be very useful for actors in the educational system, both regulated and non-regulated. In it , the natural conquest of autonomy is exposed in a didactic way, as well as the importance of each child reaching different milestones in their development, writing their own path.

Knowing how to educate: a guide for parents and teachers , by Bernabé Tierno and Antonio Escaja

One of the great child psychologists who had the most talk in his day about child education and training was Bernabé Tierno. In this case, with the help of Antonio Escaja, he offers a master lesson to educate children based on two essential elements: affection and intelligence.

Tierno and Escaja offer practical and useful guidelines for children’s pedagogy sprinkled with the necessary guidelines so that the educator, from the parent to the professional, can have the keys that lead them to know the deficiencies, needs, desires and feelings in the period that is going from childhood to adolescence.

Mother and son on the beach

How to speak so that children listen. And How to Listen to Get Kids to Talk, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

This work has become a best seller in the early childhood education sector. Its success lies both in the topic it touches and in the way it is presented, as it offers very effective tools to establish and maintain fluid communication channels, both from the point of view of parents and education professionals.

Both authors focus their work on writing a guide for parents, guardians and educators to learn how to solve the most common problems.

In addition, they show how to deal with negative feelings in children, how to express anger without following the dictates of anger or resentment, how to get children to collaborate on different tasks and objectives, how to set limits and maintain them. That is, how to be parents or educators and at the same time not break communication.

These are some of the best early childhood education books for parents of the moment. On its pages you can find tools and methods to deal with day-to-day problems. On the other hand, if you want to add another book to the list, you can share it with us in a comment.

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