Thank You For Being There Because You Never Fail Me

Thank you for being there because you never fail me

To that friend that I have, and that luckily there are several, and that I know that I can trust him blindly, I just want to say one thing, thank you for being there, because you never fail me.

Thank you for being there because I know that it has not always been easy, because we have had our differences and discrepancies, but you have always been there, ready to reach out to me.

Thanks for being there

If you have a good friend, always tell him, at least once in your life, thank you for being there. Be grateful to that person who, even not understanding many times, has extended his hand to you without questions, for the simple fact that he loves you, supports you and appreciates you.

Because being grateful to a friend, or to anyone who appreciates you, or to someone who treats you with pleasure and education, is always a reason to be grateful, and the rest of us must be up to the task.

The friend who supports you

Hugging Bears

Have you ever felt like your life was going down the drain? Have you seen yourself, as if you were outside your body, falling down an unfathomable abyss without being able to see the bottom, without knowing if one day you will stop sinking? Have you ever been in a tunnel so long and dark that you can’t see a single light anywhere? Have you felt very lost in life?

Thank you for being there, because a simple smile from a friend, even if he does not know very well what is wrong with you, can be a huge balm for your pain, and an excellent medicine to turn on a small light inside the dark tunnel that your life.

It is not necessary that your friend understands or understands you, although if he succeeds, so much the better. However, it is estimable that he supports you, even though he does not know the situation very well, and gives you his unconditional love.

A good friend will always reach out to help you get out of the mud. Every time he sees you down, sad and desolate, you will have his smile to shed some light on your dark world.

And you must constantly tell him, thank you for being there, friend, because without you, life would be much sadder, harder, lonelier, more cumbersome, and much more boring.

Thanks for being there, friend

If you have good friends, and you know that they will always support you, even when they do not agree with you, you have nothing to fear, because you have achieved one of the great successes of life, and that is to create a wonderful environment in which to live.

With good friends, the sorrows are less bitter, the joys are much happier, and the world is not as dark as it may seem to a lonely person.

Friends walking holding hands

Therefore, if at any time you feel faint, and you notice that you do not dare to take an important step in case you fall into the void, do not give up, and dare to move forward, because you are sure that they will be there to pick you up, to to make the blow less harsh, or to ensure that you do not hurt yourself.

Thank you for being there, dear friend, because in my worst moments, you were always a faithful and loving support that helped me to get ahead and not fall into neglect.

Thank you for being there, friend, because in my successes, you were the person who was truly happy for me, and I will always thank you, in good and in bad.

Thank you for being there, because your image and personality are associated with the funniest and happiest days of my life, because we share them together.

Thank you for being there, my friend, because every time I have felt sad, I have noticed your hand and your breath helping with sincerity to leave the bad behind, and embrace all the good and beautiful that you give me. Dear friend, with all my heart, I can only say one more thing, thank you for being there.

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