Take Life Easy

When we are in a hurry to fulfill the script that others have imposed on us, we forget the importance of enjoying the journey.
Take life easy

If you were to die tomorrow, what would you like to do today? . Who would you spend your time with? What activities would you like to do for the last time? This approach, which can be somewhat extreme, helps us discover how far we are from our true selves. And it invites us to remember the affirmation that will bring peace when the mind dominates us: take life easy.

It is not easy to carry out this proposal. The world is not made for us to find calm, for us to live and enjoy the present. On the contrary, they continually bombard us with obligations and demands covered with an urgency that is not such.

You must study, you must work, you have to succeed, compete, achieve more and more. More money, more social life, more status. You have to climb the steps of life at a forced march and comply, at all times, with what society expects of you. They have managed to convince us that if we are not in a hurry, juggling the different roles of a life that many times we do not like, we are doing it wrong.

Whose life do you live?

And it is that, in reality, all these objectives would be very commendable if they arose from our own conviction. It is wonderful to study, to know and to be nurtured. It’s great to have financial freedom, enjoy leisure with friends, and share a relationship with someone else. But when it comes to impositions and not desires, satisfaction turns into suffocating pressure. 

Group of friends enjoying life calmly

Why do you have to study a career at 18 out of obligation, and not at 25 out of a genuine desire to learn about the subject? . Why do you have to share your time with people who do not contribute or fill you, just because you have to have contacts? Do you really think it is healthy to stay with someone who hurts you and does not value you because society says that, at your age, you have to have a partner? What will they say is a good reason to have children without being prepared?

We are so immersed in following a life plan designed by others that we do not allow ourselves to reflect or connect with ourselves. We are in such a rush to meet the script and expectations that we forget to enjoy life. The sense of failure that comes over us when it seems like we’re running late, that we’re not doing the right thing, can be truly paralyzing.

Take life easy

Therefore, if you feel that routine overwhelms you, that worry and anxiety have become part of you, rest for a moment. You are not late for anywhere, because there is no place to go. Your life is uniquely and exclusively yours, and it is you who must decide how to live it. There is no specific age for everything, the train does not only pass once. Each of us has our own path and we must grant ourselves the right to live it individually.

Don’t be in a rush to decide who you want to be or how you want to live. Allow yourself to discover your gifts, your desires and what makes you happy. Stop putting your mental energy in the future, in the should, in the next goal that you have to achieve, and focus on the now. Enjoy your body, your health, your own company and that of your loved ones. Connect with your surroundings, take a walk in nature, spend time in that activity that is so rewarding for you.

Joyful dancing woman

Enjoy the road

We do not know when our last day of life will be. That is why we have to make each day count and have meaning. Would you like to spend your last moments overwhelmed, worried, feeling insufficient? Value yourself and remember your right to live fully, and according to your own parameters.

Don’t worry if you still don’t have a job, if you haven’t been promoted yet. Do not suffer for not having found love yet, for not having plans every night. Take life easy. Everything will come, don’t let pressure make you settle for what doesn’t make you happy. Do not let your mind believe that your value depends on how well you conform to the mold that others have imposed on you.

Set goals, but they are born of you. Work for them, strive to get them. But don’t get obsessed with the goal and enjoy the journey. 

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