Stress From Overinformation

Knowledge is power, but an excess of information can lead to uncertainty and blockage. Learn to filter and limit the information you receive wisely.
Stress from overinformation

Thanks to the press and television, it was possible for the public to be kept regularly informed about the main events that were taking place in the world. But, without a doubt, it was the arrival of the internet that was a real revolution in access to information. Despite the undeniable advantages that it brings us every day, its presence also brings with it a greater risk of suffering stress due to excess information.

It is, undeniably, fantastic to be able to develop our knowledge in such a free and immediate way. Data is available to everyone and this undoubtedly enriches us enormously. However, when we do not properly handle these tools we can end up in a state of hyperarousal, anxiety and (paradoxically) uncertainty.

Stressed woman from overinformation at work

The constant flow of data produces stress due to excess information

We look for it

Whether out of curiosity or necessity, throughout the day we carry out countless data searches. If we want to buy an apartment, we analyze the market and compare prices and characteristics. If we are going to choose a school for our children, we collect information from everyone in our area. When we feel a slight pain, we rush to investigate its possible causes and treatments.

However, many times we misuse the sources and end up more confused and paralyzed than at the beginning of our search. The possibility of knowing, with such luxury of detail, the existing alternatives inflicts great pressure on us to make the best decision. Needing such a degree of security is detrimental to our health and ends up clouding our judgment.

The reality is that we can never be absolutely certain that our choice is perfect. And it is not healthy to generate this need. We spend hours reading and contrasting and we end up saturated and unsure. It is important to be aware of the most relevant aspects but it is also essential to know when it is enough and we have to stop. Having access to the information does not oblige us to be experts in each subject.

It reaches us

However, not all the fault is ours when we talk about stress due to excess information. We are constantly exposed to news about what is happening around the world. Television, the digital press, even the people around us tirelessly transmit information to us about innumerable subjects. And the most negative thing is to see how most of them deal with tragic and dramatic events.

Continually processing messages of fear, catastrophe and suffering can take a toll on our health and our mood. Especially if you are a sensitive person, you can be significantly affected by this knowledge. For this reason, we must learn to establish filters and barriers regarding the information we wish to receive. Ask yourself to what extent these types of communications benefit or harm you, and don’t be afraid to limit them to protect your well-being.

Man with stress from overinformation

They send it to us

Finally, we cannot ignore the amount of e-mails, messages and calls that we receive throughout the day. It is becoming more and more common to attend to work matters outside of working hours, and the right to disconnect has been completely lost. Many people are offended if they do not receive an instant response to their communication. However, having the possibility to communicate at any time does not oblige us to do so.

You have the right to put the phone on silent, not to take your computer with you on your vacation trip and not to answer a call. It is extremely necessary to have periods of leisure and relaxation and these devices often prevent us from fully enjoying these moments.

You can prevent information overload stress

For all the above reasons, it is common for many people to suffer from so-called information overload stress. The need to be experts in everything, the continuous barrage of negative news and the inability to disconnect from the environment keep us overwhelmed and enslaved.

Thus, to alleviate the negative effects of these phenomena, you must take responsibility for the amount and type of information that you consume and receive. Listen to your body, learn to filter, limit and disconnect. Let knowledge be a source of pleasure and personal development and never a burden or an imposition. Always inform yourself in a conscious, prudent and deliberate way.

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