Someone Like You Cannot Have An Owner

Someone like you cannot have an owner

Owning an owner is one of the great dramas of human beings today and forever. That is why you should not allow anyone to dominate your actions, thoughts and actions, because you are free and you do not deserve someone like that.

A human being who thinks he is the owner of another is a toxic person from whom you have to flee with all your might, since nothing good is going to contribute to your life, but much negative.

Why are there people who want to be owners of others?

Unfortunately, in this world training and education is becoming more indoctrination than freedom to learn and teach other people to think. This fact creates serious problems such as the lack of values ​​and the inability to know and accept oneself.

Furthermore, ambition is becoming a rare value that is of paramount importance to a number of individuals who consider themselves above others, and hide behind their money and power to manage the destinies of others.

Shadow of a hand that chases people

In reality, the lack of the value of friendship, good sense, solidarity, understanding and empathy, leads many people to totally wrong paths, seeking happiness and attachment in money, power and lack of self-knowledge..

These factors are vital to understand that there are many lost people in the world, who believe that with domination and being the owner of others, they can transform their environment into a better place, when this idea is totally fallacious.

In reality, what they do is turn their insecurities onto other people, causing unhappiness in others, and a false sense of pride and a job well done that soon fades, since their insecurity is still there, and they are doing nothing to treat it. and improve in that fundamental aspect of your life.

The owner is the true slave

In reality, a person who acts as the owner of another or others, is the true slave of himself. Since inside he lives a permanent fight against his insecurity, for the control of others, thinking that this will make him feel better.

But you, aware of yourself, capable of thinking and having a critical opinion, with your freedom of thought and action, should never let yourself be imprisoned by dominating beings who pour all their frustration on you.

How to discover an aspiring owner?

You, who are capable of thinking for yourself, and have a positive outlook on life, a happy existence, and a great capacity to give and receive, will be able to discover an aspiring owner with great ease.

Puppet of a girl

Look at insecure people, who believe they are essential for everything, who demand much more than what they offer, who believe that if they do not do something for themselves it will not work out, who are selfish, who are possessive, who only seek the particular good , who only look for money, who do whatever it takes to succeed, regardless of who they weigh …

As you can see, there are many clues that these insecure beings leave behind. They will be by your side as long as they need you, and they will abandon you when they think there is someone better waiting for them.

They will try to dominate you, to make you feel guilty every time their insecurity appears, since if they are not capable of being your owner, they do not feel comfortable, and they need you docile and at their service.

That is why you, who are able to think for yourself and know what you want in life, do not need or deserve to have an owner. You have to be free and happy, because you have worked very hard to find out what your life and personality are like, and you act accordingly.

Avoid the owner of your life, because chains are not made for human beings. Each person deserves the opportunity to be happy and free, but only with self-knowledge can it be achieved. Otherwise, you will be someone very miserable and hungry for domination.

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