Masturdating, The Technique To Conquer Yourself

Masturdating, the technique to conquer yourself

Sometimes you may want to go alone to the cinema to see a movie or to taste your favorite dish in a restaurant. Currently, this type of action is known as masturbating, an opportunity to connect with your inner being. Thus, this Anglicism refers to those people who carry out the plans individually and who know how to enjoy alone.

Behind masturbating there are many benefits. It is a way of knowing yourself. It consists of enjoying simple plans, such as going to the cinema or watching a movie, without the need for company.

Research shows that some people often feel inhibited by participating individually in activities, especially when they are observable by other people. However, recent studies suggest that people who occasionally spend time alone have at least as much fun as those who do the same as a couple.

Woman walking through a field

Masturdating, the technique to conquer yourself

In a world of binary forms, lonely figures represent antisocial behavior. For this reason, it is striking that phenomena such as masturbating appear. It is certainly one of the best ways to help you strengthen and deepen your relationship with yourself.  We recommend the following ideas if you want to practice masturbating:

  • Take a day trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go.
  • Get out of your comfort zone.
  • Buy a ticket for a concert, a play or to go to the movies.
  • Sign up for dance classes.
  • Book a photoshoot.
  • Read a book in the park.
  • Go to your favorite restaurant and enjoy a good dish.
  • Watch a movie that no one else wants to see with you.

Why should you practice masturbating?

If you are single or, on the contrary, you are with a partner, you should know that there are some reasons that justify masturbating. These are some of the reasons why it is positive to practice it:

1.-You discover who you really are

By taking the time to get to know yourself, you are identifying yourself as an individual, rather than someone who has been labeled by others over the years.

This discovery takes care of your self-esteem. Thus, it will be easier for your internal dialogue to reformulate itself, with phrases such as: “I do matter” and “I will be happy.” These positive judgments help develop a person with a positive mindset.

2.-You create your own happiness

Self-satisfaction is one of the most rewarding sensations we can experience. Keep in mind that, by carrying out the plans individually, you take full responsibility for your own happiness. Make sure to smile before focusing on the happiness of others.

Happy woman riding a bicycle for applying masturbation

3.-You develop a healthy relationship with yourself

Above all, with masturbating you will be developing a strong and affectionate relationship with yourself, in which you get used to treating yourself with respect and kindness. A healthy relationship allows you to be in touch with yourself  without hurting, punishing or recriminating yourself.

This technique focuses on everything that people may have put aside with the passage of time, be it health or those activities of interest.

4.-You build a solid foundation for your next relationship

If you are the type of person who does not accept the fact of being single, you should try to remind yourself that sometimes flying alone is really beneficial for your next relationship.

Obviously, your experience with loneliness and pain develops you as a strong person. When you begin to recognize your journey in solitude as a positive path, you will attract the optimistic people you deserve!

In short, masturbating is a technique to conquer yourself that can bring you numerous benefits. Therefore, we encourage you, from time to time, do not hesitate to do things individually. It will help you connect with your interior and get to know yourself better!

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