I Like That You Tell Me What You Think And Comply With What Was Said

I like that you tell me what you think and comply with what was said

People need two basic dimensions to be happy: trust and security. None of them can ever be achieved if, in turn, our most significant relationships do not offer us recognition and sincerity.

However, some experts in relationships such as Marianne Dainton of La Salle University in Philadelphia tell us that sometimes,  lies and omissions are necessary to maintain balance in the relationship itself, and thus, protect the loved one. Something that although it is true, not everyone supports .

It is clear that nobody likes to be lied to, and that half truths, even if they are pious, are still half lies, with which, it continues to be an injury to the trust built by the couple. Now, it is not mandatory to tell our partner every thought we have in mind, every personal opinion, or every reflection of our own. It is necessary to have a personal and non-transferable space.

The key is not to hide and to use sincerity not as a throwing weapon, but as a strategy to build, to unite and create a bond, to create a project and give strength to the relationship itself. We invite you to reflect on it with us.

Sincerity is the key to happiness

couple offering each other a gift

When defining the keys to success in a couple, it is common for us to talk about respect, communication, empathy, and complicity. .. Now, the funny thing is that it is frequent that many relationships break down not because of a lack of love, but because of a lack of sincerity.

Your partner is with you today because he loves you, because his world makes sense with your company and because he does not hesitate to do everything possible for you to make you happy. It is worthwhile then that you comply with the same and that above all you offer sincerity.

Sincerity not only makes the other person feel good, but we ourselves find adequate internal tranquility, and the feeling of corresponding with an authentic vital commitment. It is balance, it is an essential form of reciprocity. Now, what usually causes insincerity in a relationship with a partner?

  • Create distance. Insincerity is always sensed sooner or later, and if it is not dealt with, it generates great suffering.
  • Sometimes you don’t have to lie to your partner. Most of the time we are facing a clear inefficiency when it comes to communicating. Not knowing how to express needs, not daring, or not finding a way also generates distances, reproaches and even many ruptures.
  • The thoughts that are hidden, the truths that are not said, the opinions that are kept and the feelings that are hidden, are in the long term negative emotions that translate into dissatisfaction and frustration. It’s a danger.
I like that

What leaves a mark is not what you promise but what you deliver

And you, are you one of those who keep your words? Remember that by not doing so you will be leaving scars on others, not traces that they can remember with integrity and happiness tomorrow.

When we break a relationship with someone, we always have the same feeling: the emptiness that everything we dreamed of in the beginning has not been fulfilled. They are broken hopes and internal wounds that we have to repair little by little, because there is nothing that hurts more than living for a certain time in a false dream.

  • Nobody lives on beautiful words and flowery phrases that adorn wonderful dreams. Waiting that does not find results turns into disappointment and disappointment, in turn, into helplessness.
  • There is a well-known phrase that says “what you promise under the moon, fulfill it when the sun rises” . Sometimes, big promises are made in moments of intimacy, but it is in the day-to-day and in the small details where everything said, everything promised, must be fulfilled.
  • Words are just words, and promises plus words beautifully constructed. But only the facts are the reality of everything you promise, and what you deliver.
I like you to say what you think and comply with what was said

Images courtesy of M. Carretero, Anne Soline, Arthur Clark

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