How To Get Our Mind To Have A More Gear

Sometimes we reach a point of monotony at work with which we do not know what to do to make our mind give a little more of itself. Here we give you three simple tips to get that extra you need.
How to get our mind to have one more gear

When we get to our respective job, on many occasions we are genuinely overwhelmed by the amount of things we have to do. Answering the phone, answering emails, meetings with the boss, meals with clients … How can we make our mind have one more march and everything goes more smoothly?

Well, the first thing to do is calm down and organize yourself a bit in order to attend to all our professional commitments throughout the day. Do you want to do it in a simple way and without stress? Well, it can be achieved with a little dedication and following a few simple guidelines.

Body posture is very important

Have you just arrived at work and are you sitting at your desk with laziness and laziness? Well, that’s how we got off to a bad start. To avoid this, it is very important that you have an upright posture, with straight shoulders and with your head high to avoid muscle pain in the neck. Neck pain, in addition to making us uncomfortable, can lead to migraines and thus make it difficult to concentrate.

It also helps a lot if the desk is clean and tidy. Leaving what is strictly necessary in it prevents you from being distracted by irrelevant things and dedicating time to what really matters: your work.

Mentalize yourself

It is said that our brain can work simultaneously on three completely different tasks. And it is that our mind is one of the most powerful wonders of nature that exist. For this reason, and when you have many pending duties, what you have to do is think positive, have confidence in your own abilities and prioritize needs.

In this sense, to add one more gear to your mind, when the time comes to work, set yourself a series of objectives and structure them according to your urgency. Likewise, structure the work schedule, leaving a space every so often to take a short break. Also, think about all the good that this task can bring you in the short and long term (recognition of your superiors, self-esteem, money …). In this way you will get motivated and make your work much more enjoyable.

And is that many people do just the opposite. When he sees himself overwhelmed by his work, he only thinks negatively and how lazy he can do everything . Hence, many procrastinate by leaving tasks for later, or simply do not do it well.

Be creative

Always doing the same thing, for a long period of time, makes us fall into laziness. Given this situation, don’t you think it would be a good idea to be a little more creative when working ? This way you will be able to change your work habits, and with this perhaps you can motivate yourself a little more.

To do this, if the space and your work allows it, you can change your workplace. If you work at home, try to find a different place each day or at different times. In fact, a good idea is to choose a different site for each activity. This helps to clear the mind, to disconnect from the previous task and to return to work with enthusiasm.

Play relaxing music while you work. Contrary to what many people think, having music in the background helps the brain to make the effort to concentrate on its tasks, in addition to preventing it from being distracted by other stimuli.

Ultimately, our mind needs to break the monotony to put all its capabilities into operation. Any change is welcomed by any human being, and especially if it makes us improve our services.

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