Growth In Solitude

Growth in solitude

Many people have a great fear of loneliness so they do not see the benefits that it brings. When we put aside our fears we can take advantage of it to meet new people, live other experiences or learn more about ourselves. Because only in solitude can we grow and mature in a way never experienced before.

We believe that when we are alone we have to feel miserable. In this way, we always surround ourselves with other people, even having the need to enjoy our own space. What are we really afraid of? From loneliness or from what we have been led to believe it implies? Today we will discover the advantages of giving us some time alone.

1. We know the advantages of a simple life

The pace of today’s world is chaotic, loud and fast so we can find ourselves doing things that we don’t really like or would rather not do. Although being with friends or spending time with family can be enjoyable, being alone allows us to simplify our interests.

Know the advantages of a simple life

2. You can clarify your mind

I am sure that I am not the only person who is mentally saturated. Our minds have the capacity to store a large amount of information that is not always useful to us. Therefore, having time alone helps us to put our ideas in order, analyze the problems we think we have and eliminate what is causing us mental chaos.

3. You can learn things about yourself that you didn’t even imagine

When we spend time alone we give ourselves the opportunity to know what we really think about what is happening around us. We cannot carry out this process when we are surrounded by many people because our perceptions or emotions are altered by others.

Although we never stop thinking and generating new ideas, being alone we have the ability to differentiate between our ideas and those of the rest of the group with which we live.

4. It forces you to be less dependent

Many people avoid being alone because they feel a great need to keep in touch with others. This is natural, people are social beings. However, we also need a certain degree of independence in our daily lives to keep ourselves mentally healthy. In fact, the amount of social interaction and solitude that we need in our daily lives is similar.

5. You will realize that you don’t need so much to be happy

When we take time to be alone we learn that many of those needs that we think we have are based on the desire to stay in a group. Sometimes we confuse the need to possess material goods with the possibility of being comfortable within our environment.

You don't need that much to be happy

6. You learn about your negative side

We all have negative aspects that we do not like to face and therefore we avoid being alone. But if we allow ourselves to enter this state, we will not only learn from the negative things we have, we will also be able to take the necessary actions to combat or change them. Although this is complicated, it is also liberating.

Loneliness is not something we should fear as it is not necessarily negative. In fact, spending time alone can help us improve the most important relationship in our life: our relationship with ourselves. This will help us better understand who we are and will make us more independent and confident.

Do you enjoy your moments in solitude? Do you like having your space to do things alone? Being alone enriches us greatly and allows us to reconcile with ourselves. Something that can come in handy when we place the key to our happiness in the hands of others. This should only be in ours.

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