Frank Sinatra, Biography Of “the Voice

Frank Sinatra was a prototypical character in show business. An exceptional artist, with a wonderful voice, but above all, inspiring. But he was also an inveterate alcoholic and starred in several scandals related to his love life.
Frank Sinatra, biography of "the voice"

Frank Sinatra was not only one of the best popular music singers of the 20th century, but also a myth, a legend. He embodied the archetype of the heartthrob at the time and was one of the first to unleash mass hysteria among his fans.

Frank Sinatra is known as “the voice” for the particular style with which he gave his performances. Beyond his virtuosity as a singer, he was famous thanks to his enormous capacity to convey feelings through his songs. He had an intimate stamp and, in addition, to compensate for the lack of power in his voice, he learned to use the microphone masterfully.

On the other hand, the figure of Sinatra was also associated with various scandals of all kinds. Beyond music, he earned the covers of the press as a result of an unstable and stormy love life.

Likewise, his ties to the mafia placed him more than once in the public arena, to such an extent that one of the characters in the movie The Godfather is inspired by him.

Frank Sinatra as a young man

A boy named Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra was born in Hoboken (New Jersey) on December 12, 1915. He came from a family of Italian immigrants, made up of his father, Antonino Martino Sinatra Saglimbeni, who was a boxer and firefighter; and by her mother, Natalina Garaventa (better known as “Dolly”), who worked as a midwife and was in jail several times for performing illegal abortions.

Frank was an only child  and his birth was truly traumatic. He and his mother almost died from the complications. As a consequence, although they both survived, his mother was unable to have any more children and the little one ended up with an eardrum punctured by the forceps.

His time at school was very fleeting and was marked by his difficulty in adapting to discipline. From a very young age, he was restless and began to love music early . His father had a bar and there he made his first presentation at the age of 9 or 10, accompanied by a pianola. Subsequently, he continued to appear on similar sites in exchange for small tips.

A star Is Born

Sinatra is said to have decided to dedicate himself forever to singing one night in 1933, after hearing a live performance by Bing Crosby, whom he always admired. That night he was accompanied by his girlfriend, Nancy Barbato, who would become his wife in 1932. Although that relationship ended years later, as a result of his multiple infidelities, he often said that he never stopped loving his first wife. .

Sinatra spent six months in the Harry James Orchestra and later became the lead vocalist in Tommy Dorsey’s band. He soon caught the attention of the music world and in 1952 he began working with the Capitol label, from this moment on, the rest is history and Sinatra continued to climb to fame. The stage between 1952 and 1963 is said to have been the most consistent of his long career.

Sinatra’s voice had a very particular charm and was captivating. Like other great artists, Frank thought that singing was an extension of the conversation. And so he did, he sang as if he were having an intimate dialogue with those who listened to him.

Although his career had ups and downs, he managed to stay current for more than 60 years, still being recognized today as one of the great voices in the history of music. His wake is overwhelming and he is not only limited to music, but he also took some steps in the world of cinema.

Frank Sinatra as a senior

A successful chaos

Frank Sinatra was involved in countless scandals throughout his life. He was a showman, in the broadest sense of the word. He had romantic relationships with famous actresses like Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Mia Farrow, and even with celebrities like Jacqueline Kennedy.

In all, he was married four times, but the most tumultuous of them was undoubtedly the one he celebrated with Ava Gardner. They were unfaithful to each other and Sinatra had several suicide attempts during that union. Eventually, he married Barbara Marx, Zeppo Marx’s ex-wife, who was by his side until the end of his days.

Sinatra always had what can be called “dangerous relationships.” Many of his friends belonged to the mafia and he was very close to the famous Cosa Nostra . Perhaps for this reason, the FBI still maintains a file in his name that is more than 2,000 pages long. He was investigated several times for these links, but it was never possible to prove that he had committed an illicit act.

Frank Sinatra, “the voice,” died in Los Angeles on May 14, 1998, after several years of health problems, including Alzheimer’s disease. He left three children from his first marriage and was mourned in many parts of the world. It is said that he made singing a new art and that his imprint was fixed forever on the new interpreters.

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