Effort Covers Dreams With Value

Effort covers dreams with value

The effort, the effort that we put into achieving what we want, is what gives value to our dreams. Because when we give everything, when we find ourselves in that moment where we are willing to lose without stopping our steps, then we are prepared to go as far as we set out.

However, there are many barriers that we will have to overcome. Stones camouflaged with errors, conformity, fear … Many times we will savor the opportunity to go back to our comfort zone. The one that calls us at every moment as it seeks to justify that we return to it with every problem that we sense on the horizon.

The effort that rewards you

Surely you have heard on more than one occasion the typical phrase that goes like this: “if it costs, it’s worth it”. This is a statement that we make, sometimes without realizing it, in order to encourage and encourage others not to give up. Because if it costs, if it is making you sweat, if it tests your ability, it is that you are giving your best. When difficulties make an appearance, they are not telling you that you are worth nothing, why go back because you are not useful! On the contrary, they are challenging you …

No one who has achieved their dreams will tell you that it was easy. There is a lot of fear that will be present, many people who will try to make you give up that you continue. Sometimes, you yourself will take steps backwards when doubts assail you as if they were an army at war, if you will measure up or if what you are pursuing will be too big.

girl colors

This is all challenging. If it were so easy to get what you want, all this would be worthless. It would be available to anyone, but this is not so, is it? Only a few manage to reach high peaks.

Many people leave their stable job to go in search of what really fulfills them and makes them happy. Others go on an adventure with very little money in their pockets. They may fail, come face to face with a reality much harsher than they expected. However, this does not stop them and, even if it were, they are happy to have taken a risk, to have tried.

That feeling, that well-being that intoxicated you, you would not experience if you had not had to cry, to scream in frustration, to stress, to see other exits when all the doors were closing in your face. You have put yourself to the test, you have been willing to lose and this has made you value every step you have taken.

We invite you at this time to reflect on all this with this video that talks about fear, conformism, panic of error and all that, surely, you have had to face on more than one occasion.

The next time you pursue one of your many follies, do not make yourself small before all those walls that will rise before you so that you do not flee from that comfortable area in which you find yourself. A safe place, but not very exciting. Keep in mind the  positive feedback that you somehow always get when you give it your all, of getting around every difficulty and putting yourself to the test. The effort and what you enjoy will put value to your dreams about the path you are traveling.

Images courtesy of Conceptual

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