Discover The Secret To Be Happier

Discover the secret to be happier

Being happy is an issue that worries us because our life expectancy has increased and we have more time, for that reason it is important to learn the secret of happiness.

Much research has been done and it is now known that fifty percent of happiness depends on factors such as beliefs and habits and therefore happiness can be taught.

Since 2006 there has been a chair at Harvard University to teach how to be happy, which has become the most appreciated by students. The classes are taught by Tal Ben-Shahar, an Israeli expert in positive psychology, and are based on a series of surveys and field studies on the characteristics that make it possible to live happily.

The secret of happiness in five keys

Happy woman with open arms

The American psychologist and writer Martin Seligman, father of positive psychology, argues that to achieve happiness it is necessary to work in three dimensions :

  • Rewarding life. In other words, cover our basic needs.
  • The good life. Discover our potential and develop it to feel fulfilled.
  • Life with meaning. Dedicate our potential to contribute to the happiness of others.

Seligman, conducted a detailed study of happiness and why a person is happy. According to him, there are five keys to being happy:

1. Positive emotions

This dimension is reflected in the amount of positive words we say and positive emotions we feel throughout the day. The greater the number of positive emotions, the greater our well-being.

Our level of happiness depends on our interpretation of external events, and not on these themselves. You cannot control what happens (losing a job, the death of a loved one, a breakup), but you can control how we feel how we deal with those situations. Having control over our emotions is a key part of our happiness.

2. Commitment

When we are doing a job or a task with which we really feel committed, we have no notion of time and we enjoy; so the more we commit to what we do, the  greater our happiness.


3. Positive relationships

Human beings are social beings and as such we continually cultivate relationships. Therefore, having healthy and constructive relationships helps us to have greater well-being.

4. Help

Belonging to something bigger than oneself is one of the steps to develop happiness. Seligman argues that helping someone creates more happiness than buying things.

5. Achievement

It is having goals and achieving them, feeling that we have a path to follow, that we depend on ourselves and rely on our beliefs and strengths, it is an indisputable part of happiness.

2. Have breakfast

Many people do not eat breakfast because they do not have time or because they do not want to gain weight, but eating breakfast helps them to have more energy, to think and to carry out activities more successfully.

3. Be assertive

Ask for what you want and say what you think, with politeness and respect. Taking what we think and feel from within us helps us to be happier. Putting up with everything they tell us and keeping quiet makes life bitter.

4. Say thank you

Thanking someone for something creates empathy between people. Giving thanks means acknowledging the things that people take for granted. Think of 10 things that make you happy in your life and for which you feel grateful and make a list of them.

Give thanks to be happy

5. Spend your money on experiences, not things

Studies have shown that 75% of people were happier investing in travel and courses than investing in buying things.

6. Eat well

We lead a very fast life in which we sometimes neglect our diet. It is necessary that we do not skip any meals and that we be aware of what we eat. Knowing how we eat, what and the way in which food affects our body, are fundamental aspects that it is necessary to know in order to feel better.

7. Face your challenges

Establish a weekly plan to meet your goals and that way you can check what you have to do and go about it, to avoid anxiety.

8. Listen to music

Happy young man listening to music

Music awakens our desire to sing and dance and makes us feel good. It is important to spend some time with it

9. Accept failures

Failures are part of life, you need to learn from them and move on. You have to know how to get up and look forward to the future.

-Robert Kiyosaki-

10. Surround yourself with good memories

Stick pleasant phrases, memories and photos of your loved ones everywhere, on the fridge, on your desk. Surround yourself with things that bring beautiful moments to mind.

11. Take care of your appearance

41% of people say they feel happier when they look good. Look in the mirror and dare with what you want.

12. Be nice and smile

Always say hello and be nice to others. A simple smile changes the mood and most people will appreciate it and treat you better.

13. Take care of your posture

Walking straight, with your shoulders back and your eyes straight ahead helps maintain a good mood.

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