Counting To Ten: Thoughts, Actions And Words

Do you speak little or do you speak too much in conversation? Do you get carried away by your emotions? Counting to ten you will see things in perspective and you can experience a great change
Counting to ten: thoughts, actions and words

It is easy to let yourself be overcome by momentary anger and, in general, by intense emotions. Sometimes we can say or do things that we may later regret. Have you thought about what you could gain by counting to ten before saying or doing something, being under the influence of powerful emotions of the moment?

Counting to ten: thoughts, actions and words

That’s right, we can save ourselves a lot of trouble by simply counting to ten. Why is it important to do it? What are you going to win?

How many times have you talked about more?

Some people simply do not tolerate silence ; it bothers them deeply. That is why they tend to fill it in by talking constantly, even with empty and inconsequential conversations. In addition, they not only do not respect the small pauses necessary in a conversation, but they raise their voices with the desire to control or be the focus of attention.

Well, for most people this is an attitude that they deeply dislike, because they perceive that it is difficult and uncomfortable to talk with that person. It is not very pleasant to witness a monologue in which one cannot express his point of view and there is practically no communication, that is, exchange of ideas.

Do not get ahead of talking

In this world, haste reigns in almost everything. However, in the field of interpersonal communication, haste is not a good ally. Possibly, on occasion, it has happened to you that you draw conclusions from something about which you have little information. Or that you advance to speak before your interlocutor finishes saying what he wants to express. Similarly, others may have done it to you.

Depending on who you are with, they may or may not allow it. If we limit the conversation to simply speaking ourselves in the form of a monologue, without caring or asking the other, we will be missing a great deal of valuable information from others.

Counting to ten: importance and effects

Many times we react with a diatribe to the slightest controversy with our interlocutor. We are unable to count to ten to give ourselves time to think through what we really want to say. Or, in the same way, it is very possible that this also happens to a person with whom you have a relationship.

The result? We say things that we don’t really mean and many times we regret it, when it is too late to remedy it. Or we just have a hard time forgiving ourselves for what we have said. Quite a problem for not knowing how to wait and think well before speaking.

 Act rather than speak

Have you come across someone who talks about the same project all the time, but has never done anything to get it done? Of course the plans are clearer when you raise them in front of someone, but the truth is that, in addition to talking, you must act.

If you have an interesting project in mind, share it with someone if you need it, but only to have a different perspective than yours, which can help you enrich your original idea. Then stop talking so much and dedicate yourself to bringing it to reality.

That is, turn your words into your tangible project. That will make you feel very satisfied with yourself, in addition to giving you credibility in front of others, because they will know that when you talk about something, it is because not only can you vocalize it, but you insist on putting it into practice. Or put another way, your words are worth it.

In short, it is very important to know how to communicate well. And this is incompatible both with preventing others from speaking, and taking the floor in perpetuity without giving up the conversation. A balance is necessary, since communicating means exchanging. In addition, it is important not to stay only in words and put our ideas into practice.

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