Check Your Scale Of Values ​​

Our scale of values ​​guides our behavior, our thoughts and emotions. It tells us who we are. It is important to set a course in life. We may never reach the final destination, but at least we will be correctly oriented towards it.

We all live based on values, that is, based on what we attach importance to in our lives.  And from our scale of values, we give meaning to our life, deciding, acting and acting based on them.

For this reason, sometimes, we can have misunderstandings with other people because their scale of values ​​does not coincide with ours. For them, aspects other than ours may be a priority. Or we may even feel confused with ourselves, seeing that we do not behave based on our values ​​at times.

Build our scale of values

Building our scale of values means deciding in what order we are going to put things and value the people with whom we live. Having a scale of values means that we have chosen the type of life we ​​want to live, with whom, where and to what extent.

From the moment we are born, the scale of values ​​with which we grow up is that of our parents. We value everything that was a priority for them and they taught us. However, as we mature, we will reaffirm ourselves as we build our own scale, around which we choose the way of life that gives meaning to our personal life.

Ideals are not values

Sometimes, we confuse what are values ​​for our life with the ideals that we want to live.  Ideals are concepts, most of them unattainable or far from our possibilities that we would like to achieve. However, they are only utopian ideas, distant and with a character of perfection that we generate in our minds and that are seldom real.

Values, however, are ways of living and ways of prioritizing our decisions, opinions, and beliefs. Those with whom we live day to day, giving meaning to our life and experiences.

Check your scale of values

Sometimes we live according to a scale of values ​​that we do not recognize as our own, but based on what our parents taught us. Others, the scale with which we live, corresponds to a series of social or cultural conventions, which, far from recognizing as our own, we adopt them to integrate ourselves socially, although they do not bring us happiness and well-being.

Therefore, it is important to review what we attach importance to in our life.  Although it differs from what our parents did or valued as important, and despite being contrary to what society or our culture expects of us, even if they are the majority.

My values, my happiness

Without a doubt, living according to what we value in life is the best way to feel satisfied and proud of our own life, as well as to feel the happiness of living the life we ​​want to live. For this, congruence and balance between what we feel, what we want, what we do and the time we dedicate to it is important.

In addition, one of the most important aspects for our scale of values ​​is the time of dedication. It means that if in our scale of values, in the first place, we put our children, it necessarily has to be accompanied by a dedication to them, measuring both the quality of time and the quantity, so that it adjusts to the value that is given to them. we give.

Being congruent with our scale of values gives us balance in our lives, since we will feel happy to dedicate time to what really matters to us, and not the other way around. Our decisions, attitudes and behaviors will also have coherence when they correspond to the importance and value that we give them on our scale.

Don’t forget yourself

On your scale of values, it is important not to forget yourself, deciding how important you are in your own life. Reflect on the value and importance you give to your life, and this will correspond later to what you are going to contribute to others. In your own scale of values, it is essential that you value yourself, dedicating quality time to yourself, only then will you be able to be happy, and share it with the people you love the most around you.

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