Become A Creator Of Perfect Instants

There is something more lasting than a diamond: the memory of happy moments. Those instants of magical perfection do not appear by chance, we all have the capacity to create, promote them and thus be able to feel more satisfied and happy. So we can achieve it.
Become a creator of perfect moments

Perfect moments are not captured, they are created. The ability to trace those moments that are imprinted in the memory of the heart starts from the intentionality of each one, because they are not the product of magic or chance of fate. It depends on you, on your ability to appreciate what is important, use the means, take advantage of the opportunity and look at the world through the filter of emotions.

How difficult is all this to achieve? The Italian writer César Pavese used to say that people do not remember days, we remember moments. If this is so, it is basically due to the emotional charge of those fragments of time. It does not matter if that little trace of life is nothing more than a sensation, that of a hug, a kiss, a walk in the rain or the smell of the ocean at the end of the summer.

Each of us has the power to treasure those moments; it is enough to encourage them. The problem is in our present, perhaps too inhabited by worries, pressures and the horizon of a future that we do not always see very clearly. The mind disperses and stops clinging to the here and now, to that beacon that illuminates us with a thousand scenes and experiences that we should attend to and take advantage of.

It is worth becoming an explorer of emotions, a capturer of moments, a facilitator of significant moments in order to thus make the trunk of our memories bigger and gain happiness.

Boy kissing his partner enjoying the perfect moments

How are the perfect moments created?

Perfect moments are created with intention. Now, as striking as it may seem, few dimensions are as complex as our “intentionality.” Broadly speaking, we can define it as that behavior in which we direct our wills towards an end, towards a goal. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Augustine of Hippo or Descartes delved into this concept in their day.

However, for psychology it is a recent issue which is strange because somehow, from the smallest action to the most decisive event, they start from our intention, from that internal energy that we combine to achieve something. It was the psychologist Franz Brentano who at the beginning of the 20th century gave us another more interesting perspective for this area of ​​the human being

For him, intention is not just a product of the mind, it is not just telling us “I’m going to do this here and now.” It is to feel it, it is to allow ourselves to be enveloped by emotion, by feeling, determination, creative impulse and desire. The perfect moments need this fabulous alchemy to appear. It is necessary that we awaken the wills and intentions to make real those moments that become indelible ink in our brain.

Let’s see, however, a few steps to rise as artisans of those experiences.

Think about what you want to achieve and be receptive

It is useless, for example, to be invited to a romantic dinner if our mind is elsewhere. It will be of little use to us too, to take a break one afternoon at the beach if we spend all those hours thinking about what we are going to do tomorrow. The intention comes to nothing if we blur it once more with that overactive mind.

To create perfect moments you must first visualize what you want to achieve. Thus, something we want is to feel good, connect with those who are with us and make them feel happy. We hope to laugh, enjoy, let time pass in calm and balance. Likewise, we will also leave room for the unforeseen, for coincidences, for that surprise factor that often appears in many of our most beloved moments.

Be aware of what is happening here and now (and enjoy it)

The psychologist and philosopher Eugene Gendlin, influenced by Carl Rogers’ humanistic psychology and phenomenology, created a very interesting therapeutic tool called focusing . It basically consists of becoming aware of our emotions through a compassionate, kind and respectful dialogue.

This tool is not only useful for managing stress, it is also very useful for focusing the mind on the present moment and what is happening around me and what I experience. In this way, if we want to create perfect moments, it is ideal that we establish a positive internal dialogue that follows this line : « You are fine. Everything is calm and you feel happy, what is happening now is pleasant and you deserve to enjoy it because you are valuable, because you deserve the best. And this, you will always remember »

Stone man with a flower on his head representing the perfect moments

Remember, the perfect moments will act as balms for the moments to come.

From the University of North Texas, a very interesting study was carried out this year. Dr. Ateka Allan, director of this research work, demonstrated how the memory of those perfect moments lived in the past, those in which positive emotions create an imprint and anchor in our brain, act as a healing tool in times of suffering. .

What’s more, in post-traumatic stress disorder therapy it serves as a catalyst for the betterment of patients. Therefore, it is necessary that we keep one aspect in mind: facilitating small moments of well-being in our day to day is allowing us to create a health support for those times when things are not going too well for us.

Sometimes, the simplest aspects of our daily life are the ones that leave the greatest impact on our memory: a walk with our partner, an afternoon with friends, a short weekend getaway … Becoming creators of happy memories is not that difficult , little is needed: our ability to get excited is enough.

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