Adaptation And Flexibility: The Benefits Of Change

Adaptation and flexibility: The benefits of change

We know that we need to change at times, to improve, to be happier, to have a fuller life. But we resist that change, not realizing that, despite everything, change is constant. Even if we try to avoid it, change will enter our life, and doing nothing does not prevent anything. However, initiating the change from ourselves voluntarily allows us to adapt consciously.

Being flexible is the key to change.

The problem we often face is that changes come unexpectedly and we don’t like the new situation. But avoiding it doesn’t prevent it from happening.

Things are as they are, life comes as it comes, and you have to adapt. Obviously, changing cities is not the same as losing your job, or even losing a key person. But, in any case, you have to find a way to accommodate yourself, to change your point of view, to mentally adapt to the new situation. Thus, we can do what is necessary to live that new life.

Every time we have to make changes, they will bring new knowledge and experiences, which will help us to grow as people, to be wiser and stronger. But we must let that change wash over us.

Benefits of the change


These are some of the benefits that change can have in your life.

– Personal growth

As we said, change allows you to have new experiences and learn new things that will help you grow as a person. You will discover new ideas, find new goals, and develop new values. And all this will make you live a fuller and happier life.

– flexibility

The more changes you have to make in your life, the easier it will be for you to assume them. As a result, you will be more and more flexible and it will cost you less and less to adapt and change, which will be less traumatic.

– To get better

Change brings us the possibility of improvement at all levels. Things don’t get better by themselves if we don’t change something. There is a risk of being worse, but you still have the opportunity to change again, taking advantage of what you have learned from experience. In any case, without change there is no improvement.

– Value the small

The changes will allow you to value things that, otherwise, you may not even know exist or that you think have no value.

– You will be stronger

Resistance to change is motivated, among other things, by feelings of insecurity and weakness. As you change and adapt, you find that you are becoming stronger and more confident.

– New opportunities

Changes bring new opportunities to enjoy life, have a happier existence, meet new people, and discover new goals.

– Start again

How many times have you wanted to start over? Only change will allow you that new beginning, whether it is changing your workplace, your place of residence, or simply changing your lifestyle, your attitude or your values.

Get out of the comfort zone


All these changes imply leaving the comfort zone, a zone that offers us the false assurance that everything is fine. Deep down, holding on to this comfort zone is a symptom of fear.

The popular expression “the bad known is better than the good to know” gives us an idea of ​​how limiting this comfort zone is, how negative life becomes if the only thing we aspire to is not to be worse than we are already.

Change gives us the opportunity. Being flexible helps us to better fit in everything new and everything good that we can find if we try.

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