Fascinating Facts About Dreams

Fascinating facts about dreams

“We are made of the same stuff as dreams, and our little life ends up sleeping”
William Shakespeare

Research conducted around the world of dreams is fascinating and disturbing to us. We all know that sleep is a biological need of the human being, it helps us organize memories, information. .. the brain is incredibly active at night reorganizing experiences and memories like the most sophisticated computer that can exist.

Meanwhile, our body rests, replenishes strength.
Our dreams, those complex dream rooms where inexplicable stories take place are almost always a reflection of our worries and anxieties, of our desires. .. the night is almost always a world where we fall immersed in a dimension that we do not fully understand. So what if we know some more facts about sleep today?

1. Why do some people remember their dreams and others don’t?

Surely you have a family member or friend who always surprises you by telling you about their dreams. How can it be that they remember them so vividly? It has a simple explanation. Various studies such as the one published recently in the journal “Neuropsychophamacology” tell us that approximately 40% of the population can remember their dreams due to a different activity in their brains.

Their sleep cycles are shorter and they tend to wake up after finishing REM, where dreams usually arise. In other words, they usually come back to consciousness after a nightmare or dream, and that makes it easier to remember. If you are one of those who usually enjoy a peaceful sleep from the time you go to bed until you wake up, it is likely that you do not remember many of them.

2. Sleep relieves trauma or bad memories

Sleeping is essential to find peace. The most curious thing is undoubtedly what a study from the University of California explains to us. While we are in the REM phase, our brain undergoes changes at the chemical level. The norepinephrine level drops and reduces feelings of stress and emotional pain. It is a way for the brain to process the most painful experiences. It is as if they were passed through a filter accompanied by a small dose of anesthetics.

3. Lucid Dreaming: The Way to Control Dreams

It is incredible to think that there can be a way to control dreams. But it’s not magic at all. These are the so-called lucid dreams. Conscious dreams happen when we realize that we are dreaming. It sure has happened to you sometime. We are almost on the verge of waking up, but we do not do it completely, but we are submerged in a state of semi-vigil where suddenly, we can take the course and control over that vast dream world.

It happens especially at the end of a cycle, a dream ends and, somehow, we tell ourselves that everything that happened has not been real. .. we feel that we are about to wake up but we do not open our eyes. We do not wake up to consciousness, we simply take the strings of the dream and move it at will. But you have to be careful with what you want … if you want, for example, to have an erotic encounter with your favorite actress / actor, the excitement itself will end up waking you up.

4. The smell of our room influences our dreams

Until recently it was thought that by falling into the world of dreams, one was completely disconnected from reality. But it seems that this is not the case … a study by the University of Dresden tells us that the fragrance that surrounds us in the room determines the content of our dreams.

The experiments they carried out were really curious: they used rotten eggs, garbage and fragrances as suggestive as cinnamon or roses. The results? Fascinating. The pestilence led to nightmares and dreams full of anxiety … the most pleasant dreams happened, of course, in those cases in which the pleasant perfume of a flower or an essence enveloped the poor subjects of the experiment.

As a fun fact: the smell of roses was found to improve memory and evoke the best dreams.

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