5 Phrases Of Nicolás Machiavelli

Niccolò Machiavelli was a famous philosopher that many of us have studied in high school. Today we will discover some of his most famous phrases.
5 phrases of Nicholas Machiavelli

Nicolás Machiavelli is known as an important philosopher and his figure usually falls within the Italian Renaissance. But he was also quite a notorious diplomat, civil servant and writer. Throughout this article we will discover some phrases by Nicolás Machiavelli that will allow us to get closer to his way of thinking in order to know him better.

However, if you haven’t read anything about him, we recommend his book  The Prince , a treatise on political doctrine that came out years after the philosopher’s death. If we like politics and the approach that can be given to it from philosophy, without a doubt, this book written by the one who is considered the father of modern Political Science will be a delight.

1. There are always difficulties in the objectives

This first of Nicholas Machiavelli’s phrases allows us to reflect on the fear that, at times, prevents us from taking action to achieve certain goals or objectives. We are talking about a fear that produces paralysis and, therefore, few people are able to carry out what they have in mind.

For this reason, Machiavelli reminds us that in the greatest milestones there has always been a risk. A risk that he calls danger and that, therefore, demands an exercise of courage and perseverance. If there are difficulties, this will allow us to grow and learn along the way.

Man looking at a wave in the sea

2. Appearances can be deceiving

This is extremely important because, many times, we are not aware that, to improve the image we project, we buy a  mask and put it on. Isn’t it true that we don’t behave the same with siblings as we do with the boss at work? Why do people think we are shy and withdrawn when those with whom we trust they would never put these labels on us?

Sometimes we get frustrated because we can’t get those around us to see us as we are. This is hard. Our parents and our siblings have lived with us since we were little, they have known us in our good times and bad. But what about the others? Perhaps a good part of that feeling of misunderstanding stems from these masks.

3. Taking action is always better

This third of the phrases of Nicholas Machiavelli deals with a very important topic and that allows us to return to the fear that we talked about previously. That fear that reigns in our lives and that prevents us from doing what we want.

The limits that we set ourselves on more than one occasion, if we saw them from another perspective, we would discover that we can cross them without any problem. These only exist in our mind and, perhaps, they are much more harmful than all the physical limits that we can have.

4. Everything in its proper measure

Who has ever realized that it has gone to any extreme? When we trust someone excessively, this can prevent us from seeing that they are trying to manipulate us to achieve their ends.

Likewise, as Machiavelli points out, neither exaggerated trusting in someone is good, since the disappointments that we can take when we meet people with the profile we have defined can lead us to the other extreme: that of intolerance.

Woman distrusting her partner

5. Changes open doors

This last of the phrases of Nicholas Machiavelli tells us about the changes and the importance they have. At present, we tend to fear them, being able to believe that what is already known is better than what may come, precisely because of the uncertainty that surrounds every future.

However, whenever there is a change there is an openness for others to follow. Despite the uncertainty they may cause us, these are necessary. Even changes in ourselves are essential. Can we imagine being the same people, thinking the same and following similar patterns of behavior throughout our lives?

We hope that all these phrases by Nicolás Machiavelli have allowed you not only to reflect, but also to get closer to the way of thinking that this philosopher has. In case you want to delve more into it, we recommend the book of The Prince that we already mentioned at the beginning or some of the documents that we leave you in the bibliography.

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