37 Phrases That Will Inspire You

37 phrases that will inspire you

There are phrases that, when they are good and fit into our life, are capable of provoking us questions or bringing us answers that otherwise would have remained lost. In addition, these phrases can constitute in our way that essential grip or support, just as for the climber who does not manage to define his next step.

In the article of 7 traits to detect toxic people we talked about how words have an incredible power over us, among them I would like to highlight the power of ” creating mass lethargy or a collective awakening”.

For this reason,  we are going to rescue from the trunk of history some of the phrases that have most inspired, both heroes and villains, to do great things. Let’s go with them!

What are the 37 phrases that will inspire you with your reading?

Steve Jobs

“Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t interest me… What matters to me is going to bed every night knowing that  we have done something wonderful.

 Design is the soul of everything created by man.”

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. .. Don’t let the noise of other people’s opinions muffle your own inner voice.”

“Many times  people don’t know what they want until you show it to them.”

“Innovation  is what distinguishes a leader from a follower.”

“I am convinced that half of what separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones is perseverance .


John Lennon

“When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I replied: “happy.” They told me that I did not understand the question, and I replied that they did not understand life. “

“Some are willing to do anything but live in the here and now.”

“Everything is clearer when you are in love.”

Martin Luther King

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness , only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. “

“Anything that affects one directly affects us all indirectly.”

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

Groucho marx

“I find television very educational. Every time someone turns it on, I retreat to another room and read a book. “

“It is better to remain silent and look foolish than to speak up and dispel doubts for good.”

Pablo Neruda

If nothing saves us from death, unless love saves us from life.

“There is a certain pleasure in madness, which only the madman knows.”

“The child who does not play is not a child, but the man who does not play lost forever the child who lived in him and he will miss it very much,”

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

There are three kinds of people: those who see, those who see what is shown to them, and those who do not see. “

“If possible, even the dead should be made to laugh.”

“Beauty perishes in life, but is immortal in art.”

“The painter who in no doubt will make little progress in art.”

“Just as iron rusts from lack of use and stagnant water becomes rotten, so also inactivity destroys the intellect.”

“He who possesses the most, is most afraid of losing it.”

“I love those capable of smiling in the midst of trouble.”

“Painting is silent poetry; poetry, blind painting ”.

“The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding.”

“Great men start great works, hardworking men finish them.”

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Our strengths and weaknesses are inseparable , like force and matter. When they separate, man ceases to exist ”.

Pablo Picasso

“The one who believes that he can can, and the one who believes that he cannot cannot. This is an inexorable law. “

“All children are born artists. The problem is how to continue to be artists when you grow up. “

Action is the fundamental key to any success.”

Stephen Hawking

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change .”

“Even people who claim that we can’t do anything to change our destiny, look before crossing the street.”

“The universe not only has a history, but any possible history.”

“God doesn’t just play dice: He sometimes rolls them where we can’t see them.”

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