Five Techniques To Improve Our Self-confidence

There are people with very little or a lot of self-confidence. However, we are not born with this ability, it can be learned and constantly improved. In this way we will feel better and favor our achievements
Five techniques to improve our self-confidence

Lack of self-confidence is possibly the most fragile and demotivating emotion we can feel. Life is always testing us in small and large stages, our day to day is full of moments in which we are forced to act and, where we ourselves want to record what we want and what we aspire to. Where our self-confidence is tested.

Sometimes it is not easy, it is true. But if we put in a balance all the things that we have missed due to our lack of confidence. And, in addition, we verify that the weight of them has brought us more losses than benefits, perhaps it is time to act. And all of us, absolutely all of us are capable of improving this ability.

Techniques to improve our self-confidence

Let’s think for a moment about some of those things that imply personal trust and that are so decisive in our existence:

  • Facing a job interview
  • Achieve that goal that we have in mind and where we bring most of our dreams together
  • Find a partner or decide to take that first step before the person who attracts us
  • Resolve conflicts with other people in our personal environment
  • Simply dare to say out loud what we feel and think …
Boy designing self-confidence strategies

As we can see, they are really important dimensions in our personal and social development. In all of them, that pillar called self-confidence is sustained. In fact, accessing it, knowing it and assimilating it requires a series of steps that we must begin to be aware of. So, let’s see what it’s all about:

1. Turn negative into positive 

First, we must be aware of those situations in which our thinking blocks us. For example, with phrases such as “I’m not going to be able to do this”, “I don’t dare”, “I’m going to do it wrong, I’m clumsy”, “they are going to laugh at me”, “I’m not good enough” … . Why should we always “dress” with such negativity? What if one morning we decided to put on the armor of positivism?

Also, testing costs nothing. It is enough to realize those moments in which negativity stops us and try to reformulate it in another way. For example, saying: “ I am capable enough and I am going to do it”, “I will make my dreams come true, I can achieve it ”… It is up to us to turn towards self-confidence.

2. Discover who you are and what you want 

So, do you really know what you want? If you know… why don’t you go for it? Look for the actions that can lead you to the goal. Happiness is that step that is accessed with two or three more steps, it may require some effort, but simple progress, climbing up one step at a time will make you feel better. Why not give it a try if you already know what motivates you and what turns on the light of your dreams?

Confident woman

3. Be aware of the successes achieved 

We have all achieved things at some point in our lives, we have all had access to certain achievements in the past and this should serve to show us that we are capable. If we get it once, why can’t we get it again?

Moreover, if we recognize that we are capable of doing certain things, we must start thinking about trying in other areas. Self-confidence is also based on recognizing our abilities and our positive aspects, to be able to apply them in those other areas in which we see ourselves a little more insecure.

4. Don’t compare yourself

Never. Do not put others as a reference or take into account what others think of you. Be yourself. All people are unique and particular, and this enriches us, and although it is true that we all have positive and negative things, it is good to recognize this individuality to wrap it with strength, preventing us from feeling “inferior”.

5. Strive to improve 

To improve our self-confidence we must improve ourselves day after day until we feel proud of ourselves. For this, it is always useful to know what we can change to be a little better, to look in the mirror and say to ourselves: “I will be capable.” Self-improvement is a path that is woven day after day with the sole purpose of making us feel better and see ourselves as people capable of achieving the goals we set ourselves.

Entrepreneur man with self-confidence

In conclusion, we are not born with sufficient gifts of self-confidence. On the contrary, we can generate it in ourselves in two main ways:

  • For the experience in overcoming problems or limitations
  • Or, by changing our beliefs and thoughts about ourselves.

In any case, personal work is required to achieve it. Therefore, it is in your power to promote self-confidence. Because it depends on no one else.

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