Love Letter: Thank You For Being You

Writing a love letter to that special person is a beautiful way to open your heart to write down everything you feel for her.
Love letter: thank you for being you

I do not know when this story began, nor do I know how to explain all this stirring of feelings. You know? It is difficult to put words to the mysteries of the heart; no matter how hard I try, I have the feeling that I always fall short, that it is never enough …

Perhaps it is not that there are no words to define it, but that it is so beautiful that the idea of ​​reducing it to a few lines makes me insignificant. I’m not going to lie to you, I’m also afraid of not knowing how to convey everything that invades me inside, but I trust that, when you look at me, the sparkle in my eyes will tell you everything that cannot be written down. Therefore, with the intention that you understand me and that you know what awakens in me, I have written you this love letter. Read it silently, please.

Thanks for crossing my path

The passage of time has made me realize that life is full of surprises, of small details with great effects and affections, but above all of people who give unexpected turns to our stories, like you. You want to know why? Keep reading!

Neither you nor I expected each other, why lie to each other. We didn’t count on us in our life. The point is that we met that day. I don’t know if it was a coincidence, a serendipity – as the most romantic would say – or the result of a greater force, but we connected. And I’m not just talking about looking at each other … I mean that sensation that bursts in from the depths and intoxicates you inside without knowing how, that inexplicable connection. I remember perfectly. And from there everything began to make a certain sense.

It didn’t matter where we went, what we did or what we talked about, since I found you, it is as if the outside world had ceased to have a leading role. Hours and hours of talking about ourselves, the weather, what we would like and even what other people did not dare to tell.

Although there were also moments of silence, but one of the most comfortable that I have experienced in my life, those that facilitate a game of gazes and fix images on our retinas.

I don’t know how you did it and how you do it, but you have become my favorite recurrence. It is difficult to explain it in words, but the truth is that I love this sensation that I experience. And I may dare to say that I have never felt it before.

Couple in the moonlight

Thanks for being brave

You have won me, I confess.  Little by little you have been reserving a space in me for you, I cannot deny it. In fact, your gaze has become one of my favorite hobbies, although sometimes I can feel ashamed and have to look the other way when your eyes meet me. But I’ll get used to it, don’t worry and I’m sure I’ll end up challenging you in the long run.

I also admit that I love listening to you because it helps me to get to know you and, in some way, to feel part of your story. I want to thank you for that, because from the beginning you have had the courage to show me not only your lights but also your shadows. And that is worthy of admiration … I cannot think of a more beautiful way to connect with someone but through the depths of their history, their wounds and their strengths.

Your transparency is a gift to me and an invitation for me to do the same. Thanks.

My turning point, the axis of my smiles

Now, are you aware of everything that fascinates me, inspires me and makes me feel? I don’t think you can ever imagine it … You have become my turning point, the common thread of my feelings, that illusion that grows over low heat to make the most of every moment. This love letter is proof of that.

You are a revolutionary… And for that I want to thank you. Thank you for being you, from the beginning, with and without fear, but above all for showing yourself as you are. Sometimes sensitive, sometimes funny and overflowing with love, and sometimes a little stubborn, but essentially you.

Thank you because when insecurity appears and fear begins to do its thing, you help me defeat them. Even when I start to get caught in some cobwebs or ghosts from the past appear, you are able to get me out of there with your understanding and just by giving me your hand. Incredible true?

You are my anchor when the tide loses its calm, the spark that ignites the fire that lives inside me and the touch of madness in those dumbest days. The surprise that breaks into the ordinary and that brightens my days. Who has taught me that walking is more than just taking a few steps and that this is only just beginning.

Couple holding hands by the train track to represent idealization

Our little universe

Together we have created that small universe from which to observe life in another way, the one from which to fantasize through our dreams, exchange secrets and be honest. It’s so magical … Do you know why?

Because it has a bit of you and another bit of me, and also a unique part made up of the combination of both, the one that reminds us that if one of the two falters, there is the other to support him -between hugs- and keep walking. So simple and so pretty. It is our puzzle , our maze.

And not only that, we have also created our own security chain. The one that protects us when ignorance sometimes wants to go out and find us, the one that, when the outside tries to stagger us, actually helps us to be stronger.

It is true that there will also be hard times, others not so pleasant and even some full of misunderstanding, but I don’t care if we go through them together. I do not promise to be perfect, but I will do everything in my power, that I will give a hundredfold and that I will try to detach myself from my pride when it appears with force to be able to empathize with you.

It’s amazing, you are amazing, really. For one reason or another, here we are and I can’t help but be grateful for what made it possible for you and I to meet, to connect, to begin to draw the first lines of this path. Somehow, everything I’ve experienced has brought me here, so I don’t regret it. Because when love comes into our lives it is the least we can do: thank it. Because we take care of it and maintain it.

And finally, I don’t want to end this love letter without thanking you for accepting me as I am, for believing in me and for being by my side, but above all for being you. Do not forget that your smile is my favorite image and my greatest wish that you are happy … I love you.

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