There Is No Better Medicine To Cure An Evil Than Happiness

There is no better medicine to cure an evil than happiness

Happiness is as important to human beings as breathing. Leading a dull, sad life can be extremely hard. This fact makes any evil not only much harder to overcome. In addition, it will stay with you, it will become entrenched and it will get bigger and bigger.

Therefore, happiness is fundamental in our lives. Although we cannot always be happy, it is about this feeling prevailing in our lives, although we can also have moments permeated with other feelings such as sadness, but not in a chronic or stable way.

Girl on bicycle smiling

Practical guide to cure evil with happiness

Due to how complex it can be to live in happiness today and how difficult it will be then to fight against evil, we are going to give you some tips that may be helpful so that happiness is installed in the greatest part of the days of your life:

  • If you are one of those people who dreams of having a better life than the one you have, it means that you are not happy and you are not taking advantage of the current moment. Think about it because all you have is the present, real and perennial. Your past is for learning and your future for hope, but you live here and now.
  • Enjoy all the little things that are constantly happening around you. Magnificent events are continually occurring that are not less significant because they are minute. An unexpected smile, a good gesture, a pleasant walk… There are a great number of simple acts that can make your life a space for everyday happiness.
  • Love without asking for anything in return. It is important to know how to differentiate when you love someone and when you are constantly waiting for something. If you give without asking for anything in return, the universe itself will conspire in your favor to make good things happen to you. Have no doubt about it.
  • Enjoy yours. In a family and friendly environment it is much easier to access happiness. Surrounded by people who love you without reservation, nothing can go wrong and you will be yourself.
Happy sisters
  • Always be patient. Remember that things will not arrive sooner no matter how quickly you are. So, to achieve your goals it is not necessary to run to achieve them first, the important thing is to do it at the right time. For this it is good to avoid stress, unnecessary tension and nerves that lead to nothing but unhappiness.
  • Face evil with a smile. Curing everything negative that happens to you can be relatively easy if you never lose your good mood. Never forget that education, sympathy and a healthy and positive attitude open many more doors than being compulsory or demanding.
  • Try not to overwhelm yourself. Sometimes it is difficult in the face of an evil not to think that everything is coming to you. But if you go into a panic, rest assured that you will create a huge snowball above your head that will get bigger and bigger if you let yourself go.
  • Stand up to evil. With happiness and a good atmosphere on your part, armed with a perennial smile and a bomb-proof humor, nothing will be able to with you. But it is important not to run away from negative situations. The longer you go without dealing with them, the more difficult it will be to deal with them.
  • Make the good. There is nothing more suitable to fight evil than to do good. They are opposites that seem to be needed as if they were different sides of the same coin, but in reality no such thing happens. The good has no opposite pole.
  • Be supportive. It doesn’t matter with whom. We should not help only those we know or love. A person living in a world of happiness will not look at the face of the person they want to help. You will do it without asking for anything in return and you will feel good about it. It is a fantastic medicine against evil.

Remember these tips whenever you feel evil starting to gain ground in your life. Do not forget your happiness and use it to face any negativity that may disturb you and put everything you have achieved at risk.

Images courtesy of Claudiatremblay,

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