How To Stop Thinking About Something?

More than once you will have wondered how to stop thinking about something, just as you will know that it is a quite complicated task. Here are some guidelines you can follow to calm those looping thoughts.
How to stop thinking about something?

When something worries or worries us, we inevitably think about it constantly. We try to find the best solution or, simply, we ruminate the thought. However, some thoughts can be very harmful. Especially if we have them in our heads all the time. That’s when we should stop thinking about it. But how do you do that?

Leaving aside an idea, an event or something that disturbs us is a very complicated task. What’s more, many say that the more you want to get something out of your head, the more it contaminates your thoughts.

Luckily, there are some strategies to stop those thoughts from which we need to rest mentally. Also, probably when you think about it again, everything will be seen more clearly and you will be better able to solve it.

Worried man

How to stop a thought?

Engaging in a thought can cloud our mind, distract us from other tasks, and affect well-being. What’s more, if these recurring thoughts continue over time, you have a higher risk of developing an anxiety disorder or depression. Mainly, to stop thinking about something, we have to realize why we have such a looping idea.

The main reasons why this can happen are: we need to solve a problem, we anticipate an event and we are worried about everything that can go wrong and how to avoid it, or it is just a bad psychological habit. Next, we propose a series of strategies that, although they do not guarantee a solution to the problem, will help you disconnect and calm your mind.

Tell someone else

Generally, it is enough to talk to another person and share our feelings and concerns so that the negative feeling dissipates. The fact of verbalizing it helps us to organize the ideas that, sometimes, flutter through the mind without order and creating confusion. In addition, talking about it with a friend, family member or partner will allow you to contemplate or access options that you may not have had.

That opinion, surely, is based on what they know about you and they will expose it to you with the best of their intentions. It will help you to see things from another point of view and, possibly, to consider other options. It may be that when you know the opinion of that person, suddenly what you thought loses importance and you do not have to think about it again.

Thus, entrust your feelings and thoughts to someone who loves you. Feeling the understanding from others, at least, will lessen the discomfort generated by constantly thinking about something.

Do something to change your emotional state

Emotions are conditioned by our thoughts. Therefore, constantly turning negative thoughts will generate negative emotions such as guilt, worry, anxiety, sadness … However, thanks to psychology we know that our behaviors can modify our emotions.

Likewise, we know what kinds of activities make us feel better. For example, go for a run, go for a walk, see friends, watch a series or movie that you like, even meditate. Thus, when we do things that we like later, we are able to think more clearly thanks to the fact that our affection is more positive.

So when you start thinking a lot about something, take a break. You will easily disconnect and, sooner than you expect, you will find yourself thinking about other things. Finding a distractor is always an effective strategy to stop thinking about something, especially if the task requires concentration.

Write what if …

A very effective way to stop a recurring thought is to decrease the degree of catastrophizing. That is, if we think about something a lot, we are possibly seeing it worse than it is, magnifying its implications and even inventing possibilities that surely will not happen.

Therefore, a good task is to write down on a paper all the reasons why what worries us is not going to happen. That is, take all your fears and what you think will happen and look for an argument or reason why it is impossible for it to happen. Thus, by rationalizing ideas, you will unconsciously inhibit those thoughts.

Likewise, you can also write a list of possible fatal consequences. In other words, what is the worst thing that could happen if everything were as you think. Thinking about the worst that could happen helps us inevitably think about how we could survive each of those things. And above all, it helps us realize that what we fear is probably not so bad (with some really negative exceptions).

Woman jotting things down in a notebook

In conclusion: think about how to act

If we want to stop thinking about something, the best formula is to analyze and intervene in those thoughts, sooner or later. Or, momentarily interrupt the loop so you can see things clearly later. What is undoubtedly necessary is to stop that wheel that hurts us so much and leads us to act in a way that we would not want.

Also, think about what actions you can take, not so much about ideas. How can you change the situation, what do you consider best to do, what do you feel you want to do. And, above all, if you still cannot stop thinking about something that affects their social and emotional life, try to go to a psychology professional so that you can work together on it.

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