We Forgot To Let Go Of Our Hearts Before Our Hands

We forgot to let go of our hearts before our hands

We forgot to let go of our hearts before our hands. We forgot to understand that it is difficult to remove who you love the most from your side without hurting them. We forgot that we no longer walk together but separately, and that dependency, damage, reproaches and monotony have overtaken us and, above all, have changed us. Neither you nor I have the same reflection in the mirror anymore.

Letting go of hands sounds like farewell, but we said goodbye so many times that our hearts decided that it was the same again, one point and another. Unlinking the heart before the hands, recognizing that we no longer love each other, is different and many times easier than letting your heart beat stronger when you are by his side.

We forgot to give ourselves space, take a breath, enjoy the self in the same way that we built a we. We forgot that loving is not depending and now we only know how to be together and hate each other, because our hearts do not know how to beat separately.

We forgot to love each other

We forgot to love each other and so we decided it was time to part. But what we say with words does not have to be a reflection of what we feel in our soul, that is why resentment has made its way into my guts, it has begun to cut them, into fine lines.

We forgot to be us, we have become two strangers full of hatred and now we only hurt each other. We feel alone and betrayed, we feel empty and not knowing how to live without someone by our side.

But, above all, we forgot to forget ourselves and acknowledge that it is not “a we” that we love. We love the love that we imagined between us, but that was not reality. Just an illusion that we build while daydreaming.

couple in a rose

We forgot to be and we started to depend

We forgot to be and began to depend on the other as if there were no life beyond the idealization of their embraces. We began to fear contradicting ourselves and we stole our voice for fear that a single word would break our idyllic bond.

We stop loving ourselves to love the other more until we become diluted and lost ourselves in a we that no longer made sense. It stopped being love to be fear of losing you and stopped being fear of losing you to hate you, because I could no longer love you by stealing my identity.

Think. It was then, when we stopped respecting ourselves, that we realized that our love was no longer love, but was a suffocating bond that hurt us a lot.

We decided to stop depending and let go of our hands, but it was too late, because our hearts did not understand the pain of not seeing each other and it continued to hold us tied. Dependence had consumed us in ashes and we no longer knew how to be what we had been before we met.

girl sewing heart

We had to learn to love ourselves

Thus, after what we had experienced, we had to learn anew to love ourselves. We had to accept the pain that we had voluntarily inflicted on ourselves by being afraid of being alone.

We began to recognize that we had voluntarily lost our identity and that there was no other culprit than ourselves and our need to bond with someone at any cost. We understood that, in matters of love, we should never stop being ourselves and we were finally able to say goodbye.

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