Habits That Lower Your IQ

Habits that lower your IQ

There are a number of habits that lower your IQ and are possibly in your routine. These are customs that seem innocuous or that apparently are not related to your intellectual level. However, science has proven that they have a decisive impact on how your brain works.

The habits that lower your IQ have to do with the way you eat and the lifestyle you lead. Research found that certain actions, carried out in a systematic way, affect cognitive abilities.

Remember that the IQ is a “measure of intelligence” obtained through the application of psychometric tests. Although not everyone agrees with this metric or with the implications that can be derived from it, what is evident is that those who have certain customs obtain more deficient results. Let’s see what are those habits that lower your IQ.

Saturated fat intake

Saturated fats are the main protagonists in many of the foods that are within our reach. We find them in dairy products, fatty meats and sausages. Science has discovered that these types of foods affect the cardiovascular system. They increase “bad cholesterol”, impairing the functioning of our circulatory system.

The consequence is that blood flow is reduced. This, in turn, causes less oxygen to reach the brain, weighing down  its function. It damages a good part of the processes in which the central executive intervenes and even alters the state of mind, enhancing negative valence emotions, such as sadness.

Woman eating a hamburger

Multitasking, one of the habits that lowers your IQ

At the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a study led by neuroscientist Earl Miller was conducted. The research  focused on the effects of working with divided attention, as occurs when working in multitasking mode. The conclusions were clear.

The study indicated that the brain is not designed to multitask. People create the illusion that they are multitasking, but in reality, cognitively, the process is still sequential. Likewise, the cost is high in terms of good intellectual functioning.

Watch too much TV

Television is a very popular entertainment medium. Without a doubt, it is one of the cheapest forms of distraction and within reach of the hand. It generates a feeling of rest because we do not have to use too many resources, physical or mental, to follow what is happening on the small screen.

However, the price can be very high. Watching a lot of television is one of the habits that lowers your IQ. It is not just that it makes you passive, but, in one way or another, it numbs your brain. 

Figure of a man watching television

Not enjoying a quality rest

Quality sleep is one of the habits that best takes care of our mental functioning. A good sleep allows the rest time to be optimized in terms of its recuperative power.

Studies tell us that children do not get enough sleep and with sufficient quality, they take less time to tire of a task, make more mistakes and are more emotionally unstable. In addition, they are capable of becoming irritated or angry with weaker or sustained stimulation over time.

In the same way, there is evidence that sleeping more makes us learn better. It costs us less to maintain attention and we have a stronger will to overcome the temptation of the editors.

Consuming too much sugar

Sugar, in large quantities, is another of those enemies of the proper functioning of the brain. A UCLA research found that if a person maintains a high sugar intake for six weeks, their ability to learn and memorize will be impaired. It is no coincidence that dementia has a higher incidence in people with diabetes.

The same study showed that fruits with too much fructose can produce the same effect. In this sense, it should be noted that the consumption of sugar in itself is not bad, in fact it is the main food of our brain. The problem appears when there is an excess.

Glass with sugar cubes

These are all habits that lower your IQ. So the smart thing to do is keep them under control. That they are not habits, but sporadic actions. It is not about you following a spartan regimen, but that you take care of yourself to have a healthier and fuller life.

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