The Way Of Life

The road of life

“Walker there is no path, the path is made by walking” … Antonio Machado’s wise words that serve to describe in a masterful way what the path of life is. There is no path by itself, true, each one of us is configuring his path, his path, his personal history, full of successes and errors, of happy moments and bitter drinks.

But that is life, you only learn to live it, precisely by living, living without fear, walking incessantly despite the stones that we encounter on the way and that sometimes make us stumble and fall, stumble and fall and then get up again, with more desire and strength, without looking back; because the past is gone and the future is yet to come, because we only vaguely look at a distant horizon that has not yet arrived.

But in the meantime we are taking steps sometimes at a light and firm rhythm and other times like a small snail that hides its head in its tiny house … but we put courage in it and we continue on, walking along the path of life because … “Caminante no there is a way, a way is made by walking ”.

On the road of life every decision counts

Sometimes we will have to decide whether to cross the river or take another shortcut, we will enjoy when the sun shines in all its splendor and we will have to endure when a downpour falls on us; and thus collecting pebbles along the way and small but precious flowers or a few drops of rainwater that we will keep as a memory in our memory of everything that shower taught us.

That downpour that taught us to cover our backs at that time, scared because it could cause us an absurd constipation that would prevent us from continuing to walk lightly or because it could stain our clothes or our hair and not be as handsome as we should before a partner that we could find in the path…

Sad man

And it is that we will fill our backpack, a backpack that will weigh a little more and we will also have our face and our skin more tanned by the sun, the wind and the rain, but we will be a little wiser, wise on the road to life because … Walker there is no path, the path is made by walking.

Willpower, courage, walking on, humility when we need it and pride when we have managed to climb the mountain will help us on our long road … that long road that is life and for which there are no resounding answers, because you only learn by walking.

Because the errors are also successes ; because vulnerability, fear and uncertainty when night comes and we are alone on that path in which everything becomes strange and mysterious shadows that confuse us and cloud our eyes also have their charm.

Everything happens and everything is


Everything passes and everything remains,
but our thing is to pass, to
pass by making roads,
roads over the sea.

I never pursue glory,
nor leave
my song in the memory of men;
I love subtle worlds,
weightless and gentle,
like soap bubbles.

I like to see them paint themselves
with sun and scarlet, fly
under the blue sky, suddenly tremble
and break …

I never chased glory.

Wayfarer, your footprints are
the road and nothing else;
walker, there is no path, the path
is made by walking.

As you walk, you make a path
and when you look back
you see the path that will never
be trodden again.

Walker there is no path
but stelae in the sea …

Some time ago in that place
where today the forests are clothed with thorns
, a poet’s voice was heard shouting
“Walker there is no path, the path
is made by walking …”

Blow by blow, verse by verse …

He died the poet away from home.
The dust of a neighboring country covers him.
As they walked away they saw him cry.
“Walker there is no path, the path
is made by walking …”

Blow by blow, verse by verse …

When the finch can not sing.
When the poet is a pilgrim,
when it is useless to pray.
“Walker there is no path, the path
is made by walking …”

Blow by blow, verse by verse.                                   

Antonio Machado.

We invite you to watch this beautiful video in which music and voice are put to these precious words of one of the best poets of our time.


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