Mindfulness Sandwich: Strategy To Manage Moments Of Tension

Mindfulness sandwich: strategy to manage moments of tension

Give yourself a break. Calm the power lines of your worries, slow down those mental highways where only the rumor of anxiety travels. Go ahead and practice the mindfulness sandwich technique: two slices of “mindful breathing” and a “body in action” filling. The results are almost immediate.

For those of you who have never heard of this simple strategy for managing tension or anxiety, you are going to be surprised. It is easy to learn and develop, it requires only 5 minutes  and what is more important, as we apply it in our day to day life, the brain gets used to it and the effect is more and more positive.

On the other hand, something we all know is that in recent times mindfulness is gaining more and more relevance. In particular, to help us manage all these complex daily universes where worries, tension and of course anxiety orbit. Now, it is possible that on some occasion we have asked ourselves that of: “But does it really work?”, “Is there some science in this or is it just marketing?”

There is an aspect that should be clear from the beginning. Mindfulness is not a panacea, nor is it “a meditation technique.” Mindfulness is, first and foremost, a quality of the mind. A capacity that we all have, but that we do not know how to use very well and that basically consists of being attentive to the present moment. It is a megaphone that amplifies our attention to know what is happening around us and in ourselves.

Until not long ago this practice, this philosophy of life was part of a series of traditional and religious principles. However, it already has a more scientific, more clinical treatment. It is a valuable, observable ability that can be trained. If we dare to do this, we can start with the mindfulness sandwich technique.

Woman Making Mindfulness Sandwich

What is the mindfulness sandwich technique?

One thing mindfulness reminds us of is that the present moment is not always a resting place. We know it well. Because anxiety, tensions, fears make us think differently, automatically. We allow ourselves to be carried away by these non-conscious mental flows, until we create poorly adjusted behavior patterns. Thus, and almost without realizing it, we intensify our suffering even more.

The mindfulness sandwich helps us to smooth out this situation. What it does is create a space between us and what we are experiencing, it shapes a small space of peace where we can take control. Thus, when you become aware of what is happening in the present moment, you suddenly have direct access to resources that you did not know you had. Only then can we make better decisions, we can make changes and invest every day in our own well-being.

Let’s see what the mindfulness sandwich technique consists of next.

Woman looking at sunrise

Two slices and a delicious filling

Like any good sandwich that boasts this one, it also consists of two slices and a good filling. Now, in this case, the effect of such a nutritious proposal exerts changes not only in our body, but also in our own mind. It is also a great strategy for those moments during the workday when we feel on the edge. Wonderful also for those moments when tension or the burden of worries leaves us blocked and not knowing how to react.

First slice

  • The first slice consists of 10 cycles of conscious breaths. To do this, fix your gaze on the tip of your nose and breathe in for 4 seconds. You should notice how your abdomen is swelling, in this way we favor diaphragmatic breathing.
  • Now hold that air for 5 seconds.
  • Then exhale, do it through your mouth for 8 seconds.
  • We repeat this process 10 times, being fully aware of each step.

The filling

  • The filling is to your liking, but the key is always the same: move through 3 minutes. You can stretch your back and arms if you are in your work chair. You also have the option of going to a window and coming back. You can do exercises with the neck and shoulders to release tension, and even take a short walk, dance, climb stairs … Whatever the environment where you are allows you.
Girl dancing working on the Mindfulness sandwich

Second slice

The last slice of this mindfulness sandwich is closed again with the breathing cycles outlined above. Breathe in, hold and breathe out in a conscious and relaxed way for ten more times.

In conclusion. The ideal is to carry out this technique 3 times a day. It won’t take us more than 5 or 6 minutes and the results are sensational. As our mind gets used to those intervals of physical calm where conscious breathing is combined with activity, everything changes. The brain is oxygenated and most importantly: our attention is focused on the present moment. We cannot forget that attention is like a muscle: with training we can improve its functionality.

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