My Dreams Have No Age, They Have Desire

My dreams have no age, they have desire

I no longer measure my dreams based on my age. By measuring things according to my age, I came to places that were too arid for my sensibility. I walked quickly through fields where I could have gathered the fruits of learning if I had stopped.

I arrived at deserted stations where there was not yet a train ready to leave. There was nothing for me there. By acting according to my age, I was plunged into a harsh and linear despair of events that I did not want to end without even having lived them, because I was not prepared for it.

By acting according to my age, I let pass passions that I thought were fortuitous, believing that they expand and contract according to my future desires. I left half understanding conclusions that would have served me for the whole life, when I withdraw from experiences only because of the guilt of living what in a time that I considered wrong.

My dreams have no age

He believed that lessons come in stages, not experiences. But now I have learned that my dreams are ageless, I only wish. They have a desire to be fed with perseverance, gratitude, enthusiasm and determination. Now I don’t see what is playing on the board, because I am aware of which square I am in and that I am the one who rolls the dice.

Woman blowing dandelion

It gives me many faces, but it falls firm and certain; as is my present attitude towards the dream to which I want to continue directing myself. I’m not afraid to keep playing dream because I take it more seriously than an imposed obligation.


My dreams are not measured

My dreams have no age, but a desire to be fulfilled. Something that is not measured in an identity card, in a curriculum vitae or in a scale of normative development. They are measured by the desire to tell the rest of the world that I no longer care if they should be carried out or not based on my year of birth. It is measured by the feeling of emptiness that doing what I played unintentionally left in me and by the anguish of not wanting that to be repeated.

I renounce the traditions that I don’t like, the subtle impositions that deep down I detest. I hug them when I find it pleasant to do so and not when any rice should reach its point, because the one that matters for my happiness is mine. The one from my casserole, the one from my soul.

My dreams are not in the air, they levitate for my enjoyment

My dreams do not have unreliable bases because I have dreamed them rather than lived in tangible reality. I have done a mental training of the enjoyment of my dreams even without being present in my life because I am a hedonist, I like to enjoy the pleasures of life that imagination can give me.

My mind is so unkind to me that when it shows me a wonderful path in my neural circuits I nourish them so they don’t stop fuming, so I stay happy and hopeful. It is a survival strategy that does not denote naivety, but rather maturity to stop making your life bitter even for a small moment a day.


Happy woman

My dreams will never harm, but they can create envy

I don’t know why other people’s dreams bother you so much, they want to bring you down from the cloud when it is the most wonderful part. I am determined to achieve them, but I do not want to stop enjoying any of its stages. I am convinced that in the same way that we should enjoy the innocence of our childhood, we should savor the aroma of the dream that haunts our lives, without haste or coercion.

But beware of people who have no wishes or hope, they usually beat you until they get you to feel the blow with the harsh reality, falling so hard that it seems that there are only the bills, the screams and the piled-up days of routine and sadness. I want to dress them with something else, it is a privilege of my mind that I do not want anyone to take from me.

It’s not that I haven’t fought for my dreams, but I refuse that it’s just a fight

I don’t want to turn my dream into my nightmare. For this reason, it is necessary to control the times, those related to my maturity and the way in which the world matures with me. It is important to arrive, but it is useless to do it with a disconcerted look and accelerating steps. That is not your dream, that is your ego that asks you to win over the rest, not to fulfill it as you wish.

Not a day goes by in the life of a person who really wants to achieve something in which doubts appear about how to achieve it : uncertainty, disappointment, sadness; but the emptiness only appears when you leave the fight still having strength.

Society snatches dreams, I don’t allow it

Society does not want people with dreams other than those it is trying to impose and will sometimes appeal to age as a method to dissuade you from leaving the path. But, in reality, the poorest age is the one that lacks self-knowledge. Being 16 years old you can feel existential emptiness and at 63 years old an existence in which this emptiness does not take place.

Woman wasting happiness

So stop listening to those who say that this can no longer be achieved at your age, that it is from another stage. It shows that people are not stratified by stages, but by desires that make some of us want more than others depending on whether we feel ready for them or not yet. If you do what you want, you will leave them without arguments and you will have enough.

If you drop out, you will empower their arguments to continue fulfilling their dream: dismembering the authentic and vivid dreams they see in others. They are victims of reality, as they did not know how to dream, they do not know how to live.

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