In Love, I Want Wings To Fly And Roots To Grow

In love, I want wings to fly and roots to grow

Any relationship where there is affection, whether at the level of a couple, with respect to children and even at the level of friendship, supposes creating an adequate balance between what is yours and what is mine. Between your needs and mine.

It seems a somewhat complex process, but in reality, the magic of every healthy and whole human relationship is based on respect and offering the best to the other person, while taking care of ourselves.

Offering wings to fly is allowing that loved one to choose their spaces, cultivate their hobbies and develop “that self” every day to reach their personal fulfillment. If that person is happy with himself, that positive energy will also revert to me. Together we create, respecting spaces and needs, while “taking root”.

“In love I want wings to fly and roots to grow.” While it is true that there are people who opt for one dimension or another on a personal level, true happiness in our social and emotional relationships would undoubtedly be in that “magical” balance.

Let’s talk about it today.

Wings to fly and roots to grow in our affective relationships

growing up

We will begin by talking about our relationships by inviting you to make a simple reflection. In the relationship that you have now, or that you had in the past … Are you or were you able to evolve as a person? Do you share those bonds capable of offering freedom as well as protection or complicity?

If not, if there is no harmonious growth in the couple capable of evolving over time and with the needs of each one, the roots weaken. Personal frustration appears, a negative feeling that in the end, ends up being projected not only on oneself, but also on the partner at times.

We speak in these cases of “inharmonious growth”. There where either only one’s needs have been prioritized, or the relationship itself has remained immobile, seeking only to take root by thinking only of one’s own partner but not of the individual growth of individuals.

An example? We started a relationship full of emotions, of intense passion. We focus so much on each other that we put friendships aside, to the point that it bothers us both to “get out of that sphere” of intimacy that we have created.

Over time, these relationships turn into black holes that feed back on themselves to their own destruction.

It is therefore vital that we take into account these dimensions to maintain an adequate BALANCE:

1. Individual growth

In relation to oneself:

  • I must be aware of myself, of the here and now, of what I need.
  • I am responsible for my own personal growth.
  • I must enrich myself with everything that surrounds me, from the experiences of each day, from the conversations, from the trips, from the readings, from everything that life offers me, including, of course , my partner.
love you to enrich you

2. Growth of the couple

On the other hand, in relation to the bond that has been created with the other person, it must be taken into account that:

  • My personal growth affects the growth of my partner. If I am happy and satisfied with what I am, with what I have and how I look, I will give all these positive emotions to the person I love.
  • We must maintain a continuous dialogue about our growth, because every couple needs to renew bonds as time passes and new situations arise (birth of children, changes or job losses …)
  • We must maintain a fit between individual and common goals, offering each other mutual help, growing our roots, while offering ourselves “wings”.

Wings to fly and roots to grow in children’s education


We often talk to you in our space that you have to avoid attachments in order to enjoy emotional freedom. While it is true that there are toxic attachments that hold us to things in such a way that they end up dominating us and ourselves to them, it is vital to understand that attachments are also part of our own roots.

We are talking, of course, of those healthy attachments that children establish with their own to create bonds. And the bonds create security, so that we “breathe” them air, life and confidence so that they spread their wings and fly wherever they choose.

Wherever you take your heart and your needs, always knowing that have their roots with the roots that offers an origin and an eternal shelter wherever they fly their dreams .. . his life.

There is the magic of balance, in offering a love that makes us fly, while growing.

Images Courtesy: Amanda Clarke, Lesya Nedzelskaya.

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