Meaningful Relationships: Friendships Made Of Shared Laughter And Pain

Meaningful relationships: friendships made of shared laughter and pain

Significant relationships are measured by the depth of the traces, by shared sensitivity, by the accompaniment in good times and bad. They are those magnificent relationships that are not measured by the years but by the quality of the experiences.

Those relationships that make 5 minutes memorable, intense and warm, that do not need a whole day to decipher a glance and that understand absences in the correct way, without double readings or bad intentions.

Close friends of Anne Soline

There is nothing as wonderful as the warmth conveyed by the looks that know you

You will agree with me. There is nothing as wonderful as the warmth conveyed by the looks that know you. Those looks that teleport you home, to a rainy night under the blanket or to a conversation forged in the heat of intimacy.

We cannot face life or fix the world with just anyone. We do it with friendships made of tatters and shared laughter. Those are the ones that taste like freshly brewed coffee, at hours that magically disappear from the hands of our clock.

It is those people who have made us put down roots, who make us see what we sow. Because the best emotions that human beings experience are translated into staying, staying in a place for a reason.

Girlfriends united in an embrace

Sincere affection never ends, it is not negotiable or conditional

In the course of life, the vast majority of adults have learned that there are friendships that end, selfish affections that do not allow growth, liquid relationships without a vital foundation that are based on expired and perishable interests.

Anyone who has experienced something like this will know that true friendships are counted on the fingers of one hand. We understand with rudeness that the comfortable thing for an expired interest is to avoid embracing the company with the necessary intensity.

That is why ALL that indescribable affection is much more than the sum of its parts.  It is the confluence of learning, the words thrown and the open sincerity that builds a person. It is all this that makes a person better.

Because if we had to extract a personal indicator of a significant relationship, the best sample would be that: a happier person with fewer fears. A person who stomps so hard that he leaves a mark.

old women drinking coffee

We don’t need anyone who behaves like they don’t need us or we don’t need them. Feeling that we can lean on the other or that we can help the person we love is one of the best feelings that exist. This fact, in addition, is a fundamental pillar to weave an unbreakable union.

Because knowing that someone does not tremble when it comes to staying by our side despite everything is knowing that they love us even if we have not been completely right. That anchors us, helps us understand that mistakes are part of our condition and that it is not worth getting stuck in them.

That is why significant relationships are those that hold us tight, those that make us understand that life is not as dark as ghosts lead us to believe. Those that allow us to collect reasons to be better people and know that anguish can be divided in half when we share life with them.

Main image by Claudia Tremblay

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