4 Red Flags In A Relationship

The couple is a bond that must nurture and enrich those who form it. When this does not happen, there are certain signals that sound our alarms.
4 red flags in a relationship

The couple is one of the most significant relationships of our life. Therefore, it is essential that the bond remains healthy, so that both members come out enriched from this interaction. However, many times we overlook important red flags that something is not working properly.

Each stage of the connection has different characteristics, but in all of them there are certain risks. By bonding affectively with another human being, we acquire a responsibility with ourselves and with the other. For this reason, we have to get involved and work so that frictions do not wear down the relationship and end up generating suffering.

The following are some of the most common harmful situations in couples. Paying attention to these signals will allow us to understand the state of our relationship and act accordingly.

Warning signs in a relationship

Worried woman arguing with her partner


This can happen at the beginning of the relationship due to the intense desire of both of you to be together all the time or it can happen later due to the inertia of life together. Likewise, it is possible that this situation has been reached because the partner is excessively jealous or possessive or it may be that we ourselves have preferred to dedicate most of our time to the bond.

In any case, this is one of the most important red flags. Being in a relationship should not lead us to lose contact with our loved ones, to abandon our professional career, our hobbies or the time we dedicate to ourselves. All these elements are essential to have a healthy and balanced existence, and neglecting them can place us in a situation of great dependence on the couple.


It is common to observe that in some couples one of the members invests much more time, effort and energy in maintaining the bond than the other. It is always the same person who gives in, who plans and provides physically or emotionally, while the other limits himself to receiving, without even thanking many times what the other gives.

For the union to be healthy and enriching, it must be reciprocal. Otherwise, sooner or later, the weight will be impossible to bear for just one of the components, who will face frustration, sadness and the feeling of loneliness. This does not mean that everything must be perfectly equitable at all times, but in general it is essential to feel that it is a joint and shared path.


Respect is essential in any interpersonal bond, but even more so in one as significant as this one. Disrespect can manifest itself in different ways. From the most obvious, such as physical or psychological violence, to the most underhanded, such as making fun of the other or belittling their interests, opinions or feelings.

It must be clear that a lack of respect is not acceptable or tolerable in any situation. No matter how angry or frustrated we are, we are adults and we have to be able to use other tools that do not exceed that red line.

If your partner makes you feel inferior, ridicules you, ignores you, or downplays your emotions, don’t tolerate it. Respect always begins with oneself, we teach others how to treat us.

Inappropriate communication

Finally, aggressive, passive or, ultimately, inadequate communication is one of the red flags that we cannot ignore.

All couples will face discrepancies at some point in their relationship, but if they know how to communicate they will be able to resolve conflicts without pain and without consequences. On the contrary, the inability to communicate honestly and assertively can significantly widen the distance between the two.

Couple talking symbolizing Discussions that end badly

How to act before the alarm signals?

Detecting any of these points does not imply that the couple’s relationship should end. However, it is important not to ignore them since, if we stay the same, the problems can increase. Acting on time by talking, modifying behaviors or even seeking professional help if necessary will help us heal the bond.

Human relationships are complex and those of a couple, especially, make us mirror in a much more prominent way. Therefore, all the joint work that is invested in the relationship will have an impact on an increase in well-being for both.

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