I Declare Myself Responsible And Protagonist Of My Own Life

I declare myself responsible and protagonist of my own life

I declare myself the protagonist of my own life, not of the one imposed on me by others. I declare myself responsible for what I do and what I say, not for what others understand. I define myself by my values, I love myself whole, seamlessly, with every imperfect corner, with every madness enjoyed, with every mistake made and every shadow that I embrace from time to time to heal my scars …

Self-acceptance is that complex and labyrinthine task that many of us mark with invisible ink on our to-do list, like someone who writes down their good resolutions at the beginning of the year. Thus, and almost without realizing it, a day comes when when we look in the mirror we feel a sudden and inexplicable prick. Are we really that person who reflects the glass? How can mirrors show us such a clear, pristine and perfect image of ourselves when we feel so “broken”?

Something particularly curious that usually occurs in people who have not worked on their self-acceptance or the integration of all those personal and affective dimensions that define one, is that they tend to blame others for their unhappiness, their discomfort. They do it automatically, many times mired in a sadly defeatist attitude.

For example: if I cannot find a good partner, it is because nowadays no one believes in commitment. If I fail the exam it is because the teacher does not like me. If I don’t have good friends it is because all people are false and ungrateful. If I have made a mistake in this it is because someone misguided me. If I am insecure, it is due to a family matter, because at home we are all the same …

This type of attitude is like that of someone who turns on a fan and begins to spread the source of their frustrations to everyone around them. Therefore, few exercises can be healthier, cathartic and therapeutic like taking the step, declaring ourselves to be the protagonists of our lives, responsible for who we are and what we do.

Take personal responsibility for happiness

Declaring oneself exclusively responsible for what one is, what one does and what one thinks undoubtedly marks a before and after. Personal responsibility means above all else, not blaming others for your own unhappiness. It also means being able to discover different ways to achieve balance and well-being despite the negative dynamics that surround us.

On the other hand, the responsible person who perceives himself as the protagonist of his own life and not as a supporting actor in the theater of his existence, understands that to be happy you have to make decisions. Therefore, everything that clouds, everything that turns off self-esteem, cuts identities or gives us a substitute for love, it is better to leave it and remember that commitment signed at some brave moment with ourselves, the one that reminded us that of  “you have come to this world to be happy, do not waste time on what takes away the joy “.

The 4 steps of personal responsibility

  • . It is very possible that throughout our lives we find ourselves focused only on others, on satisfying the needs of others. It is time to listen to ourselves, to authentically tune into our emotions and our values, firmly clarifying what we want and what we do not want.
  • . If we have not done it already, it is recommended that we execute it as soon as possible, it is about neither more nor less than remembering every day and every moment, that we are obliged to attend to our needs regardless of what others do or do not do.
  • . Being responsible for oneself also means learning to trust, both in our own abilities and in the course of life itself. To assume that there are things that come and others that go is to integrate that emotional economy where we stop clinging to the impossible, to events that do not allow us to grow.

Finally, it is also interesting to remember that there is no law that tells us that there are some who must always win and others who are inevitably forced to lose again and again. Living is celebrating life, it is giving and receiving, it is living together in harmony, being responsible for ourselves, with our successes and mistakes, without blaming those close to us for our frustrations.

Let’s put these simple tips into practice and stand out as the true protagonists of our existence.

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