Throw Out The (emotional) Garbage!

Throw out the (emotional) garbage!

When you clean your home, you order and arrange, you throw things away. When you’re making dinner, what you throw away goes to the wastebasket. When you have already accumulated too many files or papers in your office, you start to get rid of them. And what about feelings and emotions? Is there a “recycle bin” like on the computer, for them?

Emotional garbage accumulates and accumulates if we do not know how to eliminate it in time. Until a certain day, you will no longer have space for anything else. The problem is that you will not fit good feelings because you are full of negative emotions.

If it has happened to you that when you get out of bed you are completely unmotivated, you do not feel like doing anything and you experience the horrible feeling that it is better to give up rather than fight, then the threshold of stress and toxic emotions may have exceeded your limit.

This is more common than you think and can happen several times in your life. When, precisely? When we cannot get rid of anger, resentments, frustration, stress, anger, revenge, envy, etc. These states accumulate until our “hard disk” no longer has the capacity to keep saving things.

It is true that emotional garbage does not occupy a physical space, it is not that you will be thinner when you eliminate it, but it will relieve you of a very heavy burden in the psychological, mental, spiritual, or whatever you want to call it.

You must take care of purging all those bad feelings that do not bring you anything and that otherwise, make you feel terrible. If you do not, you may feel increasingly dissatisfied with the life you lead and also, you will lack energy to face your daily tasks.

If after analyzing these words you want to start eliminating emotional garbage, you can pay attention to the following steps or techniques that are more than interesting and effective.

First of all, it would be good if you readjust your expectations. This does not mean that you have to stay without dreaming, without projecting or without seeking excellence, but if, reduce a little the pressure and what you expect from yourself and from others. When we have expectations that are too high (it can be in employment, in our partner, in school, in future plans), and these are not met, sadness and frustration will also be high.

So the first thing you should do to eliminate emotional junk is to adjust your goals to your means. Perhaps an idea that can be applied is to set short-term goals, which, when added, become something much bigger. For example, instead of wanting to be the manager of your company, work first to be a supervisor and then work your way up.

Second, always keep a positive attitude. If, on the other hand, you are constantly thinking about the bad things, you are more likely to fail. Get in the habit of keeping a “positivity journal.” Every day, write down at least three good things that happened to you, no matter how small or insignificant they seem.

From getting a seat on the subway to finding a ticket in your old jacket, to more pleasant news, such as a new job, a good conversation with someone you love, etc. This way you will begin to feel happier with what you have, more grateful for what happens to you and you will not have room for negative emotions.

The third step to getting rid of toxic feelings and living happier is being proactive. What does this mean? Well, it is not enough to look within and say “yes, I have bad emotions”, it is also necessary to do something about it. Act as soon as possible, always at your own pace, to get rid of everything that weighs on you.

Instead of sitting around watching your emotional junk piling up, start cleaning up. Depending on how you are, you can do it little by little, gathering what is closest to you or spend a whole day removing waste once and for all.

You do not need to buy any cleaning supplies, you can put into practice certain techniques to achieve this, such as meditation, relaxation, more conscious breathing, an anger management course, etc.

You will begin to notice that “life smiles at you and you smile back” and that will affect everything around you.

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