Let’s Not Be For Each Other

Let's not be for each other

I’m sorry, but you are not my happiness. No, you are not and that is why I release myself. I refuse to put my emotional life in your hands. If you were my happiness, your absence would be my end and I would live on the razor’s edge. I don’t want to try to “take over” you, it doesn’t go with me, it doesn’t interest me.

My well-being and my self-realization basically depend on me, the rest contributes, but the inner process that configures my being will not come from outside, it will not be borrowed. It is a matter of aesthetics. I not only want to improve, I want to do it with the inspiration of the artist, as a work with which I feel satisfied.

Psychological well-being or the attempt to be happy requires a personal and non-transferable commitment. It is not something that is given to us, bought or owned by decree: it is non-transferable. And since I am not for sale, and I hope you are not either, we have the opportunity to be free.

You do not define my existence nor I yours, if so, we could not live without each other. Fortunately, you are not my happiness, nor am I your mistress and mistress. The best relationship we can have is not to belong to each other. He who does not have the other respects him, and that is beauty, tenderness and detachment ”.

Text adapted from Walter Riso



The best relationship we can have is that of not belonging to ourselves. This is being and existing. I want to meet you, but at another emotional point. I don’t want us to be each other, nor the love of our life. I don’t want to need you, I want to prefer you.

I don’t want to love you blindly, I don’t want to close my eyes. I want to open them and see two complete, different and non-dependent beings giving their passion, living moments and collaborating in life.


Become complete beings

I don’t want us to transform or need ourselves. I want to leave behind the orange stockings. You can be an orange, a lemon or a melon. You can be whatever you want, I will not be the one who asks you to change. The important thing is that we roll together.

Nor do we have to forever roll hand in hand. Sometimes love runs out, I don’t want to see myself squeezing you out and squeezing your juice. So if you want to sunbathe, take it. If you want to get rid of your skin, do it. There’s nothing more to speak of.

Therefore, we are not one, we are two. We are not for each other either, it is better that we are not. I am for me and you are for you.


We all have a love for life

We all have a love for life: us. Only when I love myself without restrictions, without insecurities and without complexes will I be able to do the same with you.

If to be with you I have to give up being myself, it won’t work. People complain that they are not wanted, but what actually happens is that we do not know how to love.

We live in the desire to fill our deficiencies and we do not realize that true love is what we feel for ourselves . Therefore, I do not want us to idealize ourselves, our love will not save us, it will not solve our problems and it will not offer us emotional stability.

Featured Image from The Mechanics of the Heart

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