Getting Excited, The Capacity That Gives Impulse To Your Life

It is never too late to get excited again. You deserve to feel once again that emotion, the same emotion that makes you believe that everything is possible when you want something, that one that rekindles the hopes that all the best can be just around the corner.
Illusion, the capacity that gives impulse to your life

Getting excited about a new love or that job we’ve just started on. Get excited about a needed change, the one that will allow us to get a little closer to our dreams and personal goals … Few emotions are so revolutionary, so intense and invigorating as that sense of hope capable of healing us and placing new perspectives on our horizon.

If we were to talk about a powerful component that integrates psychological well-being, this would undoubtedly be the illusion. When this capacity is present almost anything is possible; It is then when people combine motivation, resources, creativity and efforts to shape what we have in mind. Illusion is the thread that threads happiness and weaves meaning into our lives.

If this dimension is missing, everything falls apart. After all, depressive states are not defined precisely by “being sad” but by a lack of desire, the absence of meanings, meanings, and reasons for getting up. The opposite of illusion is not always disappointment, in most cases it is “nothing”. Not feeling and completely losing the ability to get excited about something or someone.

Nobody deserves such an existence. The illusions must be part of us, be one more aspect of our being and renew them every little bit, feeding them with new dreams, with new people we meet and open their points of view to continue learning. Being delusional is therefore not a matter for children. It is an engine that must be present at any age and in any circumstance.

Happy adult couple

Getting excited, the most powerful emotion

Within the universe of emotions, delusion configures the most stirring verb. It is part of that psychophysiological galaxy in which joy, hope, trust, joy and even pleasure are also integrated. However, it is more than a state of mind because with it, expectations are boosted, motivation and goals are given to our minds.

The writer Gilbert K. Chesterton used to say that illusion is like a splendor, that which gives us the confidence that when we cross the corner, we will find something fabulous. Living with that feeling, starting the day with that feeling attached to the mind, configures a state of great psychological well-being that we should always promote.

Charles R. Snyder, one of the leading psychologists in the field of positive psychology and editor of the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology , enunciated the theory of illusion and hope in the mid-1990s. According to this approach, when a person is able to get excited about something in particular, that feeling ends up reversing in many more areas of his life.

For example, when we achieve a job that motivates us, excites us and offers us development perspectives, we will also feel good in the small aspects of our day-to-day life, with our partner, family, friends … All this is basically due to the illusion It ignites a series of dimensions, such as hope, creativity and that powerful capacity as enthusiasm.

Sometimes the illusion fades like watercolor in water

It is true, sometimes, it is very difficult to get excited about something or something. We know the relevance of this emotion for our growth, to guide our action towards a peak. Now, there are times when this golden cloud escapes from our heads and we stop glimpsing hope to see only obstacles and difficulties.

From a psychological point of view, we are clear that something like this is devastating. Someone without illusion drifts into helplessness and into the territory of anguish and negativity. Because this emotion activates what we know as a dynamic cognitive motivation system.

To understand it simply, this state of mind is capable of producing a series of cognitions (thoughts) that lead to solving problems, planning strategies, monitoring ourselves to achieve something or take care of what we have and that satisfies us.

In this way, if the illusion fades like watercolor in water, we stop empowering ourselves in life.

Profile person with colors in the head thinking about getting excited

Getting excited again is always possible

The illusion is the light of a beacon that sometimes goes out. It is then when we are lost, adrift, in a sea of ​​darkness without knowing where to go. Now, to re-ignite that powerful machinery we must understand a simple aspect.

It is always possible to get excited again but that emotion will not turn on if we are trapped by routines, by a fierce daily life in which we do not leave room for the new or the unforeseen.

You have to innovate. We must dare to do different things, meet people, open ourselves to other perspectives and learn from them. The illusion takes very little to ignite and when this happens, imagination, hope and enthusiasm are activated. It is always a good time to give it a try, to escape the predictable and embrace the unforeseen.

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