Never Underestimate Your Words

Never underestimate your words

Words are very powerful, believe it or not. We don’t usually give them the importance they really deserve, but today you will understand that you should never, ever underestimate your words.

We use words for everything. With them we describe the experiences that happen to us in life, but we are not aware that these words that we use to describe become our own experience.

Do you remember that moment when spoken words did so much damage? One word can do a lot of damage. Much more damage, sometimes, than anything else. Sometimes they are even more painful than physical damage because they affect us emotionally.

You are what you tell yourself!

sleeping girl

We all communicate with ourselves. Some people have a more developed internal dialogue than others, but we all have that little voice with which we sometimes interact.

That little voice sometimes says positive things to you, but sometimes it doesn’t stop giving you negative words. This is what is most abundant. Negative words seem much easier to say than positive ones. That little voice crushes us and, at times, depresses us.

As we have already said, the words that describe the experiences end up becoming the experiences themselves. How does this happen? Imagine that you keep telling yourself that you are bad, useless, that you are useless, that everything you do you do wrong, that you are a failure.

All that, if you repeat it to yourself, if that little voice you can’t silence it in any way, it will come true. In the end you will end up being what you say to yourself over and over again. If you say that you are useless, you will be useless.

So be careful with the way you describe yourself, because as you see the words that you dedicate to yourself are too powerful and your self-esteem can be affected. You will already have to deal with criticism from others, with offenses, with disappointments, with insults, as if to do it to yourself for free.

Think that the way you communicate with yourself changes the way you see yourself. It changes everything. You will no longer feel the same about yourself and all this will change the way you act.

woman face bridge

Use your inner dialogue to support yourself

Your inner dialogue is powerful so you should not turn it against you. With just one negative word, you can cancel yourself completely. Use it for a greater purpose, start using it to support yourself. On many occasions you will need something to be able to resist criticism, pressure, endless things in which your self-esteem, your patience, your strength will be affected.

Are you really going to hurt yourself more? Are you going to destroy your self esteem? Only you know yourself, only you are capable of knowing what you are capable of doing.  Don’t let your inner dialogue also work against you.

You need support, someone to give your self-esteem that little boost when it is plummeting. Do you know who? Yourself. For your internal dialogue to be positive you can follow these 3 brief tips:

  • Ask yourself the right questions such as what can I learn from this situation? What can I get positive from this situation? Where has the mistake really been? How can I improve after this fall?
  • Reflect and find solutions. Allow yourself time to think about a situation, try to see it from different perspectives and if necessary ask for a second opinion. Of course, he thinks that something good can always be obtained from something bad.
  • Push yourself to continue whatever happens. After finding the answers, after learning from the mistakes, after reflecting and seeing the solutions, gain momentum and move on! Don’t let anything slow you down.


Start to change how you talk to yourself. Use more positive language. Once you are aware of it, you will see how many times you are turning against yourself …

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Change your life, changing your language. You are your only support, so do not take your internal dialogue as another enemy. Make peace with him, start talking to you in a more positive way.

Images courtesy of Shiori Matsumoto and A. Mora

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