When Laziness Visits Us

When laziness visits us
All of us have known laziness.
It may have been a partner in your life for a long period of time.
Maybe it only appeared occasionally and then disappeared, leaving no trace.

Why does laziness appear?

Laziness is a friend of comfort, of the known, of not taking risks.  When she accompanies us, we only want to stay with her, alone, without doing anything, without moving, without investigating …  And it is no coincidence that precisely when laziness comes to visit us, it is when we most need to go out, take risks, try new things … It is about a “wrong emotional and mental strategy”, which apparently protects us from everything that overwhelms us, that makes us feel bad, that scares us …

For this reason, laziness appears in our lives, precisely when we are overwhelmed, when the problems are too many, when everything hurts us, and we do not know what to do, or we do not want to do anything …

Laziness protects us from any movement, because it disposes our entire body and mind to “rest”. But do we really rest, are we calm?  Only the memory of laziness, already awakens in us an uncomfortable feeling, of discomfort … we know that “we must do something”, but since we do not even know where to start, we are still there … lying on the sofa, letting the days go by, without drinking decisions, without taking steps, without risking anything, without doing sports, without looking for work, without studying, without quitting smoking …

And what to do with laziness? Where to start?

Lazy yawning woman

If your company is not pleasant, we are better off without it. What happens is that now, after a “lazy” time, it is not easy.

I propose you to make a plan, first of all, something simple, not very risky or daring, in order to start moving, to leave … to walk towards some simple destination.

And secondly, force yourself to fulfill it, every day, without exception. This will generate satisfaction and movement, and movement generates more movement, which is the engine we need to leave laziness behind.

If laziness entered your house one day, leave it alone, get out of there, propose a plan and follow it. Instead, invite your willpower, with it you will be able to walk, make plans, motivate yourself towards change …

Cultivate willpower

Woman cultivating willpower

Willpower must be cultivated, it must be invited and cared for, so that it stays with you. The only thing you need is to have the “will”, that is, to “want” to leave laziness, and resume your life. To do this, use all “your forces”, those that exist within you when something matters a lot to you and you go for it. As you get that “inner strength”, you will feel that you have more, that you are strong, and that if you put your mind to it, nothing and no one can stop you, or lock you up in laziness again, because you can get whatever you want.

And the magic of this discovery is that although at first it cost you an effort, you had to impose it on yourself, little by little, you recognize that willpower is born alone, because there are many things that motivate you and put in motion, and without any effort, you do it.

Therefore, the gift of this “forced” beginning is the satisfaction and motivation to “take action”, which will make you feel very good about yourself.

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