What Does It Mean To Dream Of Death?

Have you ever dreamed of death or of someone already deceased? We tell you which are the most frequent dreams related to it and what each of them can symbolize.
What is the meaning of dreaming with the dead?

What is the meaning of dreaming with the dead? Have you ever lived it? It is a fairly recurring dream, either directly dreaming of death or something related to it. According to Luis Trujillo, author of the book Interpretation of Dreams (2004), death in the dream world symbolizes the world of the occult, but it also represents the darkness that precedes the spiritual rebirth of the human being.

It is the change from a physical state to a spiritual one. Thus, death, in a dream sense, would represent the completion of a stage and the rebirth of a new one. In this way, according to Trujillo, if a person dies appears in dreams, this can be interpreted as the end of a state (psychological, religious, loving, work…) and the beginning of a new one.

On the other hand, it could also be a warning from our unconscious for us to settle once and for all situations that are unsustainable in our lives, that cause us suffering or that are harming us in some way. But what else can it mean to dream of death? What variants of dreams related to it can we find? We will tell you!

Man having nightmares

What is the meaning of dreaming with the dead?

Dreaming that we speak with death is not the same as dreaming one’s own death or that of others, for example. According to Anna Monteschi, author of The Great Book of Dreams (2006), dreaming of death has different connotations or meanings, depending on the type of dream. Let’s see the most representative dreams:

  • Seeking death : dreaming that we are seeking death is related to a serious inner crisis.
  • Talk to death: we have overcome the fears we had towards death.
  • For the one who is sick: if the person who dreams of death is sick, this is related to a speedy healing.
  • For artists: its meaning is attributed to success and notoriety.
  • Who is married: symbolizes, or represents, that this person will leave the family.
  • For those who have children: it is related to a concern for the health of the children.
  • To be saved from death : the person who dreams it is exaggerating a help of little importance.
  • Dreaming of one’s own death: this is a good omen, especially related to marriage and health.
  • Seeing death: dreaming about death directly, that is, seeing it, visualizing it, symbolizes great luck.

Dreaming of death: deceased people

If our dream is not so related to the concept of death, but to the presence of a dead person in the dream, its symbolism may be diverse. There are, as in the previous case, different possibilities:

  • Dreaming of a dead person : generically, this symbolizes the arrival of good news (which will come soon).
  • A dead man in the coffin : if the dead man is in the coffin, the dream symbolizes the end of a danger in real life.
  • In bed : if the dead person that appears in our dreams is in bed, it means that the person who dreamed it is insecure and impressionable.
  • Walking dead: dreaming of a walking dead symbolizes a great financial crisis.
  • A dead person who talks : And dream about death, specifically a dead person who talks? Or a person who has already passed away in real life but who appears to us in dreams? Well, it is a sign that you should listen to their words.
  • That resurrects : if the person who died in life has been resurrected in the dream, it means that an event will soon arrive that will make people talk a lot.
  • Dead who is hostile : if the deceased person in the dream is hostile towards us, it means that someone has discovered our double game.
  • Watching a dead person : dreaming that we are watching a dead person is related to a useless sense of guilt in “real life”.
  • See many dead : finally, dreaming that we see many dead symbolizes luck.

Dream about someone specific

As we can see, dreaming of death can acquire multiple connotations depending on the type of dream, the person who dies, their actions, etc. Thus, dreaming of a friend who dies would symbolize frustration and insecurity. If the person we see speaks in our dreams, it means that the dreamer’s conscience gives him good advice (perhaps it is time to listen to it).

If the deceased person we dream of cries, it would be related to serious emotional disturbances. If it is a relative, this would symbolize a sense of guilt. Seeing a deceased in the dream can be a claim for us to listen to his advice or remember what he gave us in life.

Finally, seeing a deceased with a sad face in our dreams would symbolize that the dreamer thought that a rudeness had been forgotten and that, however, it is not so.

Seated woman making a duel

Dreaming of a grave, tombstone or cemetery

It is also possible that in your dream no person appears who is alive and dies, or the other way around (who is dead and appears alive). Instead, a grave may appear that catches your attention, or a tombstone that gives you very negative feelings when you wake up. But, the meaning of these dreams is not something negative.

It is said that dreaming of graves or tombstones means that it is time to leave the past behind, that it is time to bury all those negative feelings, to stop once and for all that is causing you suffering. Well, it is time for you to start a new way of living.

Also, dreaming of a cemetery is a representation that tells you that it is time to leave your past behind, bury all the bad memories and focus on the future.

On the other hand, if you dream that you are bringing flowers to the cemetery, it means that you miss someone a lot. It is also common for this dream to appear in times of insecurity, although if ghosts appear, it can be interpreted that soon you will have the support of your loved ones. Concerns, doubts and unresolved issues are what this dream brings, which can give you such bad feelings when you wake up.

Dreaming of death: a message from the unconscious?

Not all psychologists think that dreams can have an important content in their association with our lives, but a good part of them think that this association does exist partially or totally. Also, with needs, unconscious desires … Dreaming of death has a very rich symbolism, although it is true that it is usually associated with the generic idea that it represents the end of a stage and the beginning of a new one.

As a curious fact, at the end of a person’s life dreams related to death are frequent, not only through the image of it, but also through other symbols of death and resurrection. In a way, it is as if the unconscious is preparing the person for the arrival of the end of their days.

Editing note : there are not many rigorous studies that have been done around dreams and their possible association with the course of reality in different planes – not because of the lack of interest in doing it, but because of the methodological complexity, the control of variables and associated measurement problems. The conclusions shared in this article should be taken with some distance, since they are the product of incidental clinical observation.

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