The Labyrinth Of Love

The labyrinth of love

Why is love so complicated? I have been asking myself this question all my life and still and over the years I have not found the answer. I don’t know if the problem is mine or if it really is a difficult enigma to solve.

Nor do I pretend in this article to show you any of the theories that exist about love, to tell you about love chemistry or how love is lived in each stage of our lives; I just want to  share ideas and thoughts with you.

And it is that in this love it seems that there are no magic or mathematical formulas, here never two plus two is always four … If we do not even know ourselves and many times we live with our dualities and our contradictions … How are we going to suppose or presuppose what the other is going through the head? …

That is why when many times we hear “if he left me overnight” “but if I didn’t notice anything”,  then we have no choice but to settle. And it is that I believe that in this of love if we cling to the maxim of “Carpe Diem” or live in the moment we would be much happier and suffer much less.

And it is not that I intend to give lessons in Emotional Intelligence but it is true that many times we say Oh, if I had known this before !.   That If I had …! It responds on many occasions to a lack of emotional intelligence that we can also apply to love and that perhaps we should be taught from schools as another subject.

And we all have the ability to learn emotional intelligence but for that we are human and suffering for love and heartbreak is not so bad either. Actually this is irony, with this I am just trying to make myself and all those readers who like these words see that the important thing is to love because, as the famous phrase by Alfred Tennyson says,  “it is better to love and have lost that never have loved “

And yes, that love hurts, that sometimes we do not understand it and we enter a labyrinth that has a structure and shape that is different from any of our other interior labyrinths, but at the end of everything they take it from us .

Because the memories will be the only thing that will remain when we are old and to be able to tell a love story like that of the old woman in the famous movie “Titanic” is not bad at all …

She did know that it was Emotional Intelligence applied to love. He got rid of all the conventions of the time and lived the best days of his entire life when he met that young man who would steal his heart forever and who unfortunately lost his life in the worst of circumstances …

However, if you remember, the protagonist continued to live with enthusiasm, she did everything she felt she had to do and that she learned from that young adventurer who taught her to live, to laugh, to dream, to dance and to enjoy without a penny.

And, although this story is fictional, reality always surpasses fiction and surely some of you who now read these words have in your heart some wonderful love story. Maybe in its time it was your personal labyrinth but, with the perspective of time, it has helped you grow emotionally and keep the best of it inside you.

Love is a labyrinth, but why not get into it? I invite you to leave your fears, the past and to live love again. Because love may be a labyrinth but it is a wonderful journey in which, despite not finding the exit many times, it is worth entering.

I invite you to turn up the volume on your computer and enjoy this video of Sade after reading my words written from the heart and soul.


Image courtesy of KPG Idream

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