The 6 Legs Of My Spider, Personal Growth

The 6 legs of my spider, personal growth

Today I will tell you the beautiful metaphor of the 6 legs of my spider. I encourage you to continue reading, to discover the most magical pillars that each of us can and deserve to enjoy in our lives, for our personal growth.

The metaphor is that each of us are small spiders with 6 legs that are responsible for supporting us, each and every one of them being equally important. These 6 little legs are our foundation, what sustains us on our feet and helps us walk with happiness and enthusiasm, allowing us to move forward or backward in our personal growth process.

First leg: friendship

It constitutes one of the most necessary pillars in the social life of every human being. It fills us with happiness to share full and sincere relationships, allowing us to learn every day and advance in our inner growth. Therefore, it is important that we take care of our friends taking into account that they also take care of us.

Work your dignity in a balanced way trying to put pride aside. Make efforts for those who deserve it and learn to be assertive and say no when you see fit.

Value your environment and be careful not to maintain toxic relationships that will only generate unnecessary emotional waste for your person and suffering . And most importantly, quality is much more important than quantity in personal relationships. Remember it.

Second leg: love

Boy in love looking at his partner

Love is the basis of all vital movements . People seek to feel loved and desired, always starting from the base of a true feeling, full of authenticity and goodness.

The most important love of all is the one we have to feel for ourselves. If we are in a relationship with the person we love, we must take care of them  and understand them .  To enjoy a healthy romantic relationship, it is necessary to cultivate patience and good communication.

Third leg: your person

As we mentioned in the previous point, many times we overlook our own personal needs, having only awareness for the people around us. Not forgetting ourselves is the key.

The aspect that we have on the outside is the mirror of our internal state, that is why it will be reflected if we take care of ourselves or not. Take time for yourself, do things that you want to do, do not think so much about what others expect of you and dedicate at least 30 minutes of the day to do what you most want.

Always try to spend some time, you deserve it more than anything. If you know how to love yourself, you will know how to love the people around you. At this point the physical and mental health is vital. Play sports and spend time with nature. It will allow you to connect with your interior and generate the hormones of happiness and fulfillment.

Fourth leg: the family 

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The time comes for all of us to realize that we are not the center of the universe and the  great support that our parents represent. The family is important, take care. It is true that in all of them there is always a “black sheep”, but it is certain that on many occasions it is the person who has visited you while ill or has offered to help you when you have needed it .

Grant them the benefit of unconditional love and stop complaining about one or the other. If you really stop to think about the feelings you enjoy around, you will surely realize how lucky you are. And remember, even in the worst situations you are, don’t forget.

I encourage you to do a clean slate ,  why not give them a try? Try and perhaps you will be surprised at how loved you feel, how much yours give you and that there is no more unconditional love than that of parents, brothers, grandparents …

Fifth leg: life, work and personal growth

I will summarize this little leg in that you ask yourself the following questions related to your professional work and career: What do you like? What worries you? Are you motivated in your work? We spend most of our time doing our work. So are you seriously going to live for something you don’t like? It is the question that always consoles us and opens doors for us.

We all deserve to live by our dream and achieve the goals that our hearts ask of us. If you are capable of dreaming it, you are capable of realizing it and you have all the tools for it Dare and launch yourself to be happy, and not spend hours and hours complaining.

Because you are older does not mean that you can no longer start studying what you like, quite the opposite . More admirable and with greater probability, you will achieve what you set out to yourself thanks to the experience acquired in life for so many years.

Sixth leg: your hobbies and leisure time

Boy painting as a way of personal growth

As José Mujica, President of Uruguay, says very wisely, “when you buy with silver, you are not buying with silver, you are buying with the time of your life that you had to spend to have that money.” Starting from this great reflection, have you realized that when we do not take care of ourselves or do not spend small moments of leisure, we are only living to work?

It is very important to learn to enjoy our time to do things that we like with the people we love and love, and thus continue to strengthen our inner growth. Don’t just think about working and suffering. Let’s be honest, we are in this life to learn and above all, to enjoy the preciousness of life.

I hope that this precious metaphor fills your heart with fullness and optimism towards it, being the support of your personal growth. Even if you think that one of your legs needs a little more care, don’t worry. It does not mean that the rest of the legs also have problems or need so much care.

The 6 legs allow you stability. They all help each other, don’t forget. Just worry about taking care of them, giving them all your love and most importantly, your little spider heart.

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